Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Dear Hearts,

Welcome to Dear Hearts Online. I'd like to continue Jim's lovely tradition as a blog. While the content will remain the same--messages of love and celebration for our big beautiful family and friends--the format has changed. The blog posts will take the place of the usual emails, while the tabs at the top supply the fun, historical perspective that Jim always included in his messages.

The usual emails will continue to arrive in your inbox through September 2019. Starting on October 1, updates will be posted exclusively on Dear Hearts Online. If you want to stay in the Dear Hearts loop, you must subscribe to this blog (right column). Once you subscribe, you will receive an email notification when new posts have been published.

Also, please consider sending your updated information through the form at the top of the right column. All of our lives change over the course of each year and it would be nice to learn what's new with you. It also would be great to have photos, so feel free to send those to me directly at pbornhop@sbcglobal.net.

I'm not an experienced blogger, so I'd very much appreciate your input on how to improve any part of this effort. Thanks for your patience while I figure things out along the way.
