Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

Dear Hearts,

September 23rd is the birthday of Sarah Cassaro Sullivan: daughter of Sam and Rosemary; sister of Elizabeth, Kathleen, Patricia, Ann, Mark, Lorne and Debra; wife of Miles; mother of Maeve, James and Silas; sister-in-law, niece, cousin and friend to many more lucky folks.

Sarah is a talented professional who received a BA in Philosophy and an MA in education and worked as a corporate Operations Manager. Then, in 2013, she accepted her most important job--mama! In the little time I've spent with her, I could see clearly that Sarah is in her element with this position--patient, loving, funny and smart.

Her compassionate heart is apparent in everything she does, including supporting Miles in his work and music life, guiding and reassuring the children through the strange times of Covid-19, and welcoming friends and family into their cozy and beautiful home.

So, happy birthday, Sarah, and may you have 85 more healthy ones according to the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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