Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy Birthday, Andrew

Dear Hearts,

November 30th is the 26th birthday of Andrew William Bornhop, Jr.: son of Patty and Andy; brother of John and Thomas; nephew, cousin and friend to many.

Andrew is living in San Diego and working as a sales rep for Merck. Covid-19 has really changed his work, as it has for so many, keeping him at home and communicating with his accounts through electronic means. A year ago, he moved to a position in the vaccines division, coincidentally, and Andrew has learned so much more about those products. When he does go out in the field, he's driving throughout San Diego County, at times getting notifications from his cell carrier welcoming him to Mexico!

He's making good use of spare time playing guitar, learning more songs and keeping up with the Green Bay Packers. He continues to make us laugh and has introduced us to a game the boys call Sith vs. Jedi, in which each player tries to identify who is the bad guy
and who is the good guy. Andrew is merciless in most game playing, but this contest takes his cut-throat play to a new level!

So happy birthday, Little A, and may you have 99 more healthy ones, by Aunt Joannie Sullivan's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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