Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Dear Hearts,

A Christmas message from our patriarch:

Merry Christmas to everyone in the world and especially this, our beloved group of family and friends, bonded together by blood, marriage, friendship, shared hardships and victories, but most of all, deep love and admiration, affection and affinity, respect and admiration.

We have a bunch of new little babies this year, the first year of their life. In that sense they are in union with Jesus. And Happy Birthday to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. And Happy Birthday to the return of the sun, and the lengthening of the days, and the upsweep of Hope in our hearts.

And let us remember and revere all of our old ones who went ahead of us, who loved us, who lived for us, and who gave us life and are gone. And let us remember the fallen, and hold them in our hearts. Especially those who never had much chance to enjoy this beautiful life, who may have been only 18 or 19, or any age, who have fallen on beaches and frozen outposts and in rice paddies all over the world.

And also, there is a special type of person who serves tonight and tomorrow and the next night, while we rejoice and celebrate. They are the real soldiers. They are the ones who must keep the flag up and the fire tended, and must protect and help those who need it at all hours.

My daughter Franny's and Diane Lee's colleagues, the nurses, will be up and out at 0330 hours Christmas day, because their patients at the hospital don't stop being sick. My son Doctor Mickey have to go if they are called, and they are on call. Same with our cousin, Dr. Seamus Sullivan. And also, the police and the firemen, and most of all, our beloved troops, are out on the line for us. So, let's pray for those who serve tonight, like the first responders and the troops--and give thanks to all those out on the outposts.

Soldiers, that's what I think all of these public servants of ours really are, and I attach the prayer here, to St. Michael, and for them. St. Michael the Archangel is the Patron of Paratroopers. Whitey once gave me a medallion of St. Michael the Paratrooper to wear on my dog tags, and I'm looking at them right now.

We all can stand easy in the harness. Airborne. All the Way. On this vigil of Christmas, I think of what my grandfather always would pray, about the poor and hungry and homeless, and about his big circle of family and friends, and I offer up this prayer in Boompa’s place, for us, our families, and all our loved ones:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Please, God, spread your care over the poor, cold, hungry and lonely, those sick or imprisoned or without home or shelter.

Please, God, bring home all our troops safe, and all the troops of all the peoples of all the world, safe, even the enemy. Thank you, God for all we have, life and love and opportunity. Thank you, God for the new little babies you have sent us.

Thank you for all our beloved dead family, and for all our fallen troops over all the years. Hold us all in Your Big Hand and close to Your Sacred Heart.


God bless us and save us and keep us from harm. Merry Christmas.



St. Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the malice and snares of the enemy.
Restrain them, O God, we humbly beseech Thee,
And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Host,
By the Divine Power,
Thrust into Hell Satan and all the other evil souls
Who prowl about the earth,
Seeking the ruin and destruction of souls.


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