Friday, January 8, 2021

Happy Birthday, John!

Dear Hearts,

January 8th is the birthday of John Vincent Sullivan: son of Jim and Mary Claire: brother of Jim, Mary Fran, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margaret and Patty: husband of Nancy: father of Mike, Matt and Maggie: grandfather of Evangeline, Violet and Brandon; nephew, uncle, cousin and friend to so many more.

Today, during the Coronavirus pandemic, John works from home as the Public Policy Counsel at Google in Washington D.C. And they are lucky to have him as he brings decades of experience from his work in the federal government as an Air Force JAG, counsel to the Armed Services Committee, deputy Parliamentarian, and Parliamentarian of the House of Representatives. In recent days, John has shared his unique perspective of his former office in the Capitol, and the logistics of the unbelievable terror those employees experienced on January 6, 2021.

John has always held family in high regard and today he gobbles up every chance he gets to spend time with his granddaughters. His grandpa name is Heepa. Big Sully called him Duke.

While his vertical leap may not be what he'd like, he's still a natural athlete and stat geek. I love that a conversation with John can, and usually does, include topics like chocolate, MLB players' styles or stats, the wonders of grand parenting, grammar, music, etc. I may start referring to him as the King of Links, as he is very talented at including further information in a text or email via well-placed hyperlinks. To me he remains a rock star and a regular guy all at once.

Happy Birthday, John, and may you have 56 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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