Sunday, August 29, 2021

God Bless Boom Boom

Dear Hearts,

August 30th is the 118th anniversary of the birth of Marie Frances Sheehan Wiley in Chicago. Everyone called her Boom Boom.

She is the grandmother of all the Chicago Sullivans and the Whalens, the mother of both of those mothers, Mary Claire Wiley Sullivan and Helen Wiley Whalen. She was the wife of Boompa, Irwin Vincent Wiley--married in 1925. They had two daughters and 14 grandchildren. They lived to see about thirty of their great-grandchildren. Boom Boom died on August 16th, 1997, at age 94.

I think Boom was a beautiful example of holding tight to the goodness of the past and embracing the future and all it offers. It's amazing to think about our world in 1903 and the changes she witnessed in her lifetime. She taught us about so much about loyalty, faithfulness and generosity. We all received the best quality of everything from Boom, with abundance.

Thanks for being such a wonderful presence in our lives Boom.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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