Saturday, December 11, 2021

Happy Birthday, Margaret!

Dear Hearts,

December 12th is the birthday of Margaret Glick: daughter of Jim and Mary Claire; sister of Jim, Mary Fran, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry and Patty; wife of Brian; mother of Daniel and Elizabeth; Gigi (grandmother) to Levi, Amos, Maggie and Holden; aunt, niece, cousin and friend to hundreds more. Margaret is lucky to share this day with Our Lady of Guadalupe and Frank Sinatra. What a trio, eh? 

With her four grandkids living just a few miles away, Margaret rarely goes a day without seeing one or all of them, whether just a fun visit or a regular babysitting shift. She's sharing her talents with the students of Mt. Baldy School, teaching music and storytelling. It's nice for everyone to be together again on campus. She and Brian explore the West in their motorhome and were very happy to fly to Hawaii last month for a week's vacation.

Margy, Migs, Midge, Ada, Gigi, Jeej--she'll answer to all the nicknames given through the years with a smile. Her artistry continues to decorate her life, whether she is painting, cooking, teaching, decorating or gardening. Margaret has discovered the world of Peleton, so combining that activity with regular hikes and yoga makes her a fit and youthful grandma!

Happy Birthday, Midge, may you have 67 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Below are Margaret Catherine and Margaret Poppy sharing a Thanksgiving treat! I apologize if the video doesn't come through well. Not sure about this feature.

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