Sunday, February 6, 2022

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Dear Hearts,

February 7th is the birthday of Hannah Grace Sullivan: daughter of Paul and Stephanie; sister of Jack, Emma, Liam, Callum and Ewan; cousin, niece, friend and teammate to a ton of others.

While Hannah is enrolled at the University of Dallas (with a few cousins), she spent the past five months abroad studying in Rome at the UD's program. She made the most of the experience by taking several more weeks to visit Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech, Ireland, Spain and Croatia, finally landing with the Falconer clan in Thurso for a few more weeks.

As a seasoned traveler, Hannah not only navigated international Covid restrictions, but she also recovered well despite having her cell phone and banking cards stolen in Spain! Everyone in Phoenix was happy to have her home for a week before Hannah returned to Dallas and school.

Happy Birthday, Hannah, and may you have 104 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm

Love, Patty

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