Monday, October 10, 2022

Gopd Bless Maurice Maloney

Dear Hearts,

October 11th is the 136th anniversary of the birth of Maurice Moloney, brother of Kate Sheehan (Boom's mom who was called Nanny by Mary Claire and Helen). Maurice was born October 11, 1878.

When Jim was in Ireland in 1992, found the family farm there in Clare and visited with Nicholas FitzPatrick, Maurice's neighbor and oldest friend. Nicholas almost fainted when Jim got out of the car--he thought it was Maurice himself who had come back from the grave! Nicholas said, "You are the dead spit of Maurice. If you'd had a walking stick in your hand, I would have had a heart attack." Maurice died in his nineties in the 1970s.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Maurice. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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