Saturday, December 17, 2022

Prayer Request

Dear Hearts,

Please take some time to offer up prayers for one of our newest family members, sweet baby Lina, born October 25, 2022. Catalina Nicole Ramsay is the daughter of Ella and Charley, granddaughter of Bobby and Nichole.

From Ella:

"Our sweet baby girl had what we thought was a respiratory virus after two ER trips where we were sent home. On Tuesday, after 13 days of struggling to breathe normally, things worsened and we rushed her back to the ER where she was promptly admitted to the pediatric ICU.

On Wednesday, she received here baptism from a hospital bed before being intubated to give her lungs a break. They've tested for every virus and bacteria but haven't been able to identify a cause for her breathing issues.

Please pray for the following:

1. That the doctors and specialists are able to identify the cause so we have a better chance at treatment.

2. That she is able to safely get the tube out soon. We miss holding and comforting our baby girl.

3. That she makes a full recovery and that we can be home in time for our first Christmas as a family.

Thank you to all of those who have prayed and supported us so far. If you reach out, please know that we appreciate your love and support, but might not respond, as our primary focus is praying for, watching and comforting our daughter at this time.

We are so thankful for a wonderful faith and community that sustain us in difficult times. Thanks you for your prayers."

God bless our little Lina. Thanks for helping carrying this family in our your prayers. God bless us, and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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