Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Happy Birthday, Jim III

Dear Hearts,

December 20th is the birthday of James Patrick Francis Sullivan III: son of Jim and Nancy; brother of Mick, Amos, Miles and Franny; nephew, cousin and friend to scores of us. I was just four years old when his arrival made me an auntie!

Jim is working as a sales representative in the thermoplastics industry and has become a talented and hard-working tradesman in his spare time.

Jim the Third, as I've called him my entire life, is an intelligent, articulate and hilarious man who always makes me think a bit harder and ask a few more questions, no matter what topic we may be discussing. He's a wonderful listener and I find his frank communication refreshing.

So, happy birthday, Jim the Third, and may you have 72 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Bud

Dear Hearts,

December 20th is the 103rd anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allen Cusick, Bitsy's Dad, known to the Calumet Region, where he lived and died, as Bud. He started and ran the famous Budd Auto Body, still in business, run by his son, Brian Bud Cusick.

Bud served in the Army Air Corps during WWII, like Big Sully, and taught tail gunners on bombers. He was a wonderful man and a fine husband and father, and Bitsy loves him so. He had a special place in his heart for her, and has come to her in dream since his passing, to tell her how he loves her.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Violet!

Dear Hearts,

December 19th is the birthday of Violet Sands Sullivan: daughter of Lindsay and Michael; sister of Evangeline; granddaughter of John and Nancy and David and Lee; niece, cousin and friend to many more lucky folks.

Violet celebrated with friends and family at KidCreate Studio, earning, creating and enjoying birthday treats. At home,she requested the biggest birthday burger ever and her family delivered!

So happy birthday, Violet, and may you have 116 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Isaac!

Dear Hearts,

December 18th is the birthday of Isaac Miles Whalen: son of Sean, grandson of Christian and Moira; nephew of Nicholas, Connor and Morgan; cousin and friend to many more. He is celebrating his 13th birthday!

Happy Birthday Isaac, and may you have 112 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Marcos & James!

Dear Hearts,

December 14th is the birthday of Marcos and Román Sullivan Jiménez: twin sons of Amos and Sara; brothers of Carmen; grandsons of Jim, Bitsy, Nancy and his Spanish grandparents in Badajoz; nephews, cousins and buddies to many more.

These two clearly love spending time in the great outdoors, hiking, running, swimming and more, and are sure to lead their little sister in some fun discoveries along the way.

Papa Sully calls them Speedy and Tuffy and is completely smitten with them. Happy birthday Marcos and Román, and may you have 117 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Longevity Aspiration Protocol of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Molly!

Dear Hearts,

December 14th is the birthday of Molly Clevenger Russell: daughter of Mercy and Hal; sister to Claire; wife of Daniel; mama of Josey Louise, niece, cousin and friend to a whole bunch of us. She describes herself as a glass-half-full person, and we agree.

Molly is a free-lance graphic designer and illustrator who creates brand systems that tell stories and please the eye. Her most recent endeavor fits her life perfectly--children's clothing designs! Check out her designs at Cloud Room here.

She and Daniel have settled in their new home in Missoula, Montana, and have set up a beautiful home in Big Sky Country.

So happy birthday, Molly, and may you have 90 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Happy Birthday, Margaret!

Dear Hearts,

December 12th is the birthday of Margaret Glick: daughter of Jim and Mary Claire; sister of Jim, Mary Fran, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry and Patty; wife of Brian; mother of Daniel and Elizabeth; Gigi (grandmother) to Levi, Amos, Maggie and Holden; aunt, niece, cousin and friend to hundreds more. She and Brian are enjoying this milestone birthday in the Big Apple!

Margaret is as active and engaged in her family and community as ever. Rarely a day goes by without seeing her grandkids at home or in their school. She is teaching music at Mt. Baldy School and volunteering there along with Brian in many ways.

She is a life-long learner and educator and continues to make life more beautiful--whether she is painting, cooking, teaching, decorating or gardening.

Happy Birthday, Midge, may you have 65 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Margaret!

Dear Hearts,

December 11th is the birthday of Margaret Lewis: daughter of Bob and Darlene; sister of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Tim, Mike, Mary, Ella and Peter; wife of Paul; mom of Ella, Paul Jr., Robert, William and Timothy; auntie, cousin and friend to scores others.

Margaret is refreshingly kind and honest--I've always left a conversation with her feeling happy and enlightened. She has as many hilarious stories of childhood as the rest of her siblings and takes parenting her brood in impressive stride--she offers no drama, holds high expectations, requires everyone to pitch in and sprinkles it all with great humor.

She is smart, athletic, loyal and hardworking, managing much of one of Arizona's most successful bar/restaurants in Scottsdale. Back at home, Margaret remembers to less fortunate, provides for those in need and lives as a true servant to God and her family.

Happy Birthday, Margaret, and may you have 78 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Dear Hearts,

On December 8, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. "The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic dogma that states that Mary, whose conception was brought about the normal way, was conceived without original sin or its stain. That’s what “immaculate” means: without stain." (catholicanswers.com)

I offer this prayer from Pope Francis. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty


O Mary, our Immaculate Mother,
On your feast day I come to you,
And I come not alone:
I bring with me all those with whom your Son entrusted to me,
In this city of Rome and in the entire world,
That you may bless them and preserve them from harm.

I bring to you, Mother, children,
Especially those who are alone, abandoned,
And for this reason are tricked and exploited.
I bring to you, Mother, families,
Who carry forward life and society
With their daily and hidden efforts;
In a special way the families who struggle the most
For their many internal and external problems.
I bring to you, Mother, all workers, both men and women,
And I entrust to you especially those who, out of need,
Are forced to work in an unworthy profession
And those who have lost work or are unable to find it.

We are in need of your immaculate gaze,
To rediscover the ability to look upon persons and things
With respect and awareness,
Without egotistical or hypocritical interests.
We are in need of your immaculate heart,
To love freely,
Without secondary aims but seeking the good of the other,
With simplicity and sincerity, renouncing masks and tricks.
We are in need of your immaculate hands,
To caress with tenderness,
To touch the flesh of Jesus
In our poor, sick, or despised brethren,
To raise up those who have fallen and support those who waver.
We are in need of your immaculate feet,
To go toward those who know not how to make the first step,
To walk on the paths of those who are lost,
To find those who feel alone.

We thank you, O Mother, because in showing yourself to us
You free us of all stain of sin;
You remind us that what comes first is the grace of God,
The love of Jesus Christ who gave his life for us,
The strength of the Holy Spirit which renews all things.
Let us not give in to discouragement,
But, trusting in your constant help,
Let us engage ourselves fully in renewal of self,
Of this city and of the entire world.
Pray for us, Holy Mother of God!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

God Bless Uncle Bob

Dear Hearts,

December 6th is the anniversary of the birth of Robert Mitchel Sullivan: son of Lefty and Anna; brother of James Patrick, Sr. (Big Sully), Anna Rita and Margaret (Sister Joanne Marie and Sister James Timothy); husband of Darlene; father of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Mike, Tim, Sr. John Mary, Margaret, Ella and Peter; grandfather of 50; spiritual grandfather, godfather, uncle, cousin, nephew, friend and mentor to hundreds more.

Uncle Bob was born in Chicago in 1928. He was ordained a Dominican priest and took the name Father Timothy Sullivan, O.P. Father Tim, after his great-grandfather. When he went to see Pope Paul VI, who released him from his vows and blessed his entry into the laity, we didn't know a thing about it, until much later. His vocation as a husband and father was strong and fruitful having been married to Aunt Darlene for 39 years and raising ten children. Indeed, they have shown the world, their children, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, friends and neighbors, the very model of married life, and social justice, love and decency.

He taught Philosophy at Phoenix College for 38 years and spoke English, Spanish, Latin and Greek. He would get such a kick out of so many of his grandkids going to the same grade school he and Aunt Darlene sent their children, St. Gregory Catholic School in Phoenix.

Several years ago, my family and I visited Phoenix. We all had dinner at Margaret's house and I fondly recall sitting at the table after dinner with Uncle Bob, listening as he went down the line, updating us on his children. When he finished, I asked, "Okay, Uncle Bob, how do Andy and I do that?" referring to the beautiful success, spiritually and otherwise, of each his nine living adult children. "The kitchen table," he answered, tapping his finger on the table between us. He explained this is where we eat, we talk, we argue, we laugh, we plan, we pray, we cry--as a family. In other words, we're in this together, in all things in life.

He was full of love, brimming with affection, a joyous man, an emotional and passionate man. He was good to everybody. Years ago, at Lefty's wake Jim recalls that Uncle Bob taught him that we never die, because we love each other and love never, never, never dies. A truly profound idea that he could make so many understand.

Uncle Bob passed away at age 79 in Phoenix, just as his grandson, another John Jeremiah (Peter and Melody's son) was entering the world. We were blessed to have him for those 79 years, and we all miss him immensely.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Bob. Please watch over us, with all the Ancestors. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


P.S. As the oldest of Big Sully's children, Jim had the most number of years on earth with the generation above us and has beautiful memories of time spent together and stories told to family:

When I was little, I got to spend two weeks at the Dominican retreat camp with Uncle Bob, in Menominee, Michigan. Every day we would walk from the retreat house to the mess hall, a half-mile through the woods. He would tell me we were in the Bear's House, and it was the scariest, the funnest and the wildest event of my life up to that date. That Bear was always right around the corner. Bob would stop, real dramatic, hold up his hand and say, "Shh! What was that? I think it was The Bear! Then there would be a pause and he'd say, "Nah. No Bear." I'd go "Whew" and thank my stars. It was unbelievably fun. Then we'd run like hell the rest of the way.

When he went down to Bolivia to serve as chaplain to the Catholic underground fighting the Communists in the University at Cochabamba, we didn't know how much danger he was in. He fought several pitched battles in the Plaza mayor. He originally went into battle ( and this was old school infantry combat, with a few scattered fire arms, but mostly knives and sticks, rocks and bottles, fists and teeth) to lend spiritual support, holding the crucifix, tending the wounded, giving the last rites. But more than once they were over-run and he had to engage, so he pitched in with the troops.

As the Dominican priest in charge of the Newman cell, he taught all the time, and was leading a walk in the outskirts of the town, when his group witnessed a brief and fierce firefight between a group of foreign, Spanish speakers who sided with the Communist forces, and some men who looked and spoke Spanish, but smelled like American tooth paste and shaving cream, and arrived in a helicopter. These Norteamericanos killed the Communists and took their bodies out on choppers. Years later, we found out that the bodies were the Cubans, and among them was Guevara.

Big Sully got a cryptic note from a messenger who came to our house, from Bob, asking for 400 dollars to be given to the messenger. Big Sully did so at once. Again, years later, we found that Bob had been driving the Archbishops truck with supplies, had been ambushed and the truck destroyed. That was it for the Catholics' transport. So the $400 got them new transportation capability to wage the war. They ultimately won and freedom of religion was established in the university.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Happy Birthday, Nathaniel!

 Dear Hearts,

December 4th is the birthday of Nathaniel Russell Brogdon: son of Russ and Dagne; brother of Matthew; grandson of Larry (Whitey) and Signe White; nephew, cousin and friend to many more.

Nathaniel looks a lot like his brother and the Old War Horse, Whitey. He has a lot of fun with his mom, dad and brother, taking trips to the beach, celebrating together on holidays and hanging around at home.

Happy birthday, Nate, and may you have 116 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Happy Birthday, Sr. John Mary!

Dear Hearts,

December 1st is the birthday of Mary Teofila Sullivan, Sister John Mary, F.S.E. (Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist): daughter of Darlene and Bob Sullivan, sister of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Tim, Mike, Margaret, Ella and Peter, auntie, cousin and friend to all the rest of us.

Sr. John Mary is a licensed marriage and family counselor working as the Associate Director of Ministries & Outreach for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. You can find her working in a multitude of environments--live conferences and virtual presentations--and always bringing a refreshing perspective and deep understanding of the topics at hand.

She is also part of an initiative in the archdiocese called Behold--a team of talented professionals who have created a place to ask questions, connect with others and discover more of God through events, workshops and tools. Earlier this year, Sr. John Mary was interviewed at the Marriage Catechumenate Summit in Texas, to share her vocation story and how she works with engaged couples moving toward and into marriage.

She is working is so many ways for the good of others, yet still manages to be an active part of her immediate family from afar. And Mary is still making everyone laugh and giggle.

Happy birthday, beloved cousin, and may you have 76 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Dear Hearts,

November 30th is the birthday of Andrew William Bornhop, Jr.: son of Patty and Andy; brother of John and Thomas; brother-in-law of Misty; nephew, cousin and friend to many.

Andrew continues to live and work in the North Park neighborhood of San Diego, not far from his cousins Georgia and Henry. His work as an Executive Vaccines Customer Representative for Merck keeps him on the move as his office is his car and he visits doctors' offices and clinics throughout the county. Early next year, he will have a fresh young recruit on his team who also happens to be his second cousin. Jake Sullivan has taken a job in San Diego with the same company!

Andrew continues to learn and perfect his guitar playing--electric, folk and classical--and has become a real student of music. His golf game is strong and he enjoys playing as often as possible.

He remains a loving, intelligent and loyal man with one of the best senses of humor I've ever known. Each time we visit, Andrew teaches me something--whether it's identifying the Nokia ring tone in a Francisco Tarrega composition, or understanding the organization of the European futbol leagues.

So, on this Feast of St. Andrew, happy birthday, Little A, and may you have 96 more healthy ones, by Aunt Joannie Sullivan's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Happy Birthday, Katie O!

Dear Hearts,

November 29th is the birthday of Katherine Olivia Sullivan Huffman: daughter of Joan and Mike; sister of John; wife of Ryan; mother of Caroline, Gracie and June; cousin, niece and friend to many more lucky folks.

Kate is doing amazing work as the principal and superintendent of Mt. Baldy School and has created a school culture that makes the students want to show up to learn, participate and build friendships. She has succeeded in building an energetic and talented faculty and staff and loves having her three daughters with her all day long.

At home, she and Ryan have created a creative and comfy home where they all enjoy baking, scootering, gardening, painting, reading, singing and dancing through their days.

Happy Birthday, Katie O., and may you have 85 more healthy ones, by your own mother's, (Aunt Joannie Sullivan's), Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Birthday, Oscar!

Dear Hearts,

November 24th is the birthday of Oscar Beare Sullivan: son of Mick and Mary; brother of Beatrice and Georgia; grandson of Jim, Bitsy, Nancy, George and Ellie; cousin, nephew and friend to many more. Oscar's name in Gaelic means "friend of the deer."

In his sophomore year, Oscar continues to work hard and realize success on the track, in the classroom and through his hobbies. His cross country season saw him competing in the three-mile event where he ran a personal best of 18:27. He rounds out his studies and athletics with music, gardening and being a wonderful big brother and son.

Happy Birthday, Oscar and may you have 108 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Monday, November 20, 2023

Congratulations Jerry & Jane!

Dear Hearts,

Monday, October 2, 2023, we gained a new member of the family when Jerry married his beloved Jane in New York City.

After a ceremony at City Hall, the newlyweds enjoyed lunch in Little Italy, then later a lovely dinner at Tavern on the Green in Central Park. In Mike's words, "Smiles never left our faces." 

Congratulations, Jerry and Jane. Here's to many years of wedded bliss.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Maeve!

Dear Hearts,

November 21st is the birthday of Maeve Rosemary Sullivan: daughter of Miles and Sarah; sister of James and Silas; granddaughter of Jim, Bitsy, Nancy, Sam and Rosemary; niece, cousin and friend to loads more fortunate folks. As Uncle Bob would say, her face is the map of Ireland.

Maeve is a voracious reader and a smart conversationalist. Her Papa Sully loves discussing any topic with her and she keeps him in line and up to date. She is a wonderful example to her two brothers with a lovely balance of sibling authority and loving sister. Maeve is also amazingly articulate and her sense of humor is wonderful!

Happy Birthday, Maeve Rosemary, and may you have 115 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Dear Hearts,

November 20th is the birthday of Katherine Honore Merwin: daughter of Mary Fran and Gary; mother of Ava and Henry; sister of Joe, Luke and Maggie; wife of Will Babbington; step mom to Emma and Mia; niece, cousin and friend to many more folks.

While Kate continues to nurture, entertain, enjoy and work for her beautiful family in Minneapolis, she and Will have blended their clans seamlessly and continue their togetherness, support, love and fun for each other between their homes in Minnesota and Colorado. 

Kate continues to explore the world with her sweetheart, enjoying a trip recently to Copenhagen. As a corporate communications specialist, she is thriving as the Head of Communications, North America at Coloplast. Her work requires a blend of powerful skills in vital disciplines: healthcare/wellness and communications. The company is lucky to have such a compassionate and skilled woman.

Happy Birthday, Kate, and may you have 79 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Jack!

Dear Hearts,

Jack with his sister Hannah.
November 20th is the birthday of Jack Falconer Sullivan: the son of Paul and Stephanie; brother of Hannah, Emma, Liam, Callum and Ewan; grandson of Bob, Darlene, Robbie and Jill; cousin, nephew, teammate and friend to many more lucky people.

Jack is in his third year at the University of Dallas, attending with several Sullivan cousins and two sisters. He's been recognized and named to the honor roll, and continues to work hard at his studies. He also jumps on whatever adventure is being planned by friends or family.

Happy Birthday, Jack, and may you have 104 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

God Bless Norbert

Dear Hearts,

November 19th is the anniversary of the birth of Norbert Felix Wilkoshesky: son of Alfred and Wanda; and brother of Alfred, Carl, Eugene, Irwin, Stewart and Blanche.  In July of 1919, he legally changed his name to Norbert F. Wiley.

Norbert was the first child of Snaz and Wanda, born in 1896 at 806 West 50th Street and baptized just ten days later at St. Joseph Polish Catholic Church at 48th and Paulina Streets. He received his first communion and was confirmed at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Bohemian Catholic Church.

He married Anna in 1925 and died on November 6, 1964. Family records list two words as his cause of death: heart and ulcers. He is buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Chicago. 

God bless you, Norbert. We pray you are enjoying a blissful eternity with our ancestors.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Nanny

Dear Hearts,

November 19th is the 146th anniversary of the birth of our great grandmother, great-great-grandmother, and great-great-great grandmother, Katherine Honore Moloney Sheehan, known as Nanny. She was born in Lisluinaghan, Kilkee, County Clare in 1876, and died in Chicago on February 24th, 1948 at the age of 71.

It is Nanny who gave us the phrase, "God bless us and save us and keep us from harm." And I'm sure our collective obsession with table linens, curtains and porcelain china come through Boom, Helen and Mary Claire from Nanny.

Happy birthday to our dear great-grandmother, Katherine Honore Moloney Sheehan, our Nanny. Please watch over us until we meet again.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Happy Birthday, Adrian!

Dear Hearts,

November 16th is the birthday of Adrian Thomas Sullivan: son of John and Mercy; brother of Ivar, grandson of Jim and Erin and Skip and Donna; great grandson of Darlene and Bob; and nephew to scores of folks.

Adrian has a terrific example in his big brother Ivar and seems to be keeping up as best he can. He is also preparing to become a big brother to two siblings as his momma, Mercy, is expecting twins!

So, happy birthday, little Adrian, and may you have 123 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Happy Birthday, Max!

Dear Hearts,

November 15th is the birthday of Maximilian Charles Sullivan: son of Mike and Shelly; brother of Jake, Seamus, Mia, Gus, Sofia and Nellie; grandson of Bob and Darlene and Don and Judy; nephew, cousin and buddy to many more.

With his happy demeanor and adorable personality, Max continues to capture the hearts of anyone he meets. He's resilient, enthusiastic, happy and hilarious and enjoying being an only child for much of each day! It's bittersweet to watch him grown out of babyhood and into a cowboy so quickly.

Happy birthday, sweet Max, and may you have 120 more healthy birthdays, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Happy Birthday, June!

Dear Hearts,

November 13th is the birthday of June Elizabeth Frances Huffman: daughter of Katie O and Ryan, sister of Caroline and Grace; granddaughter of Mike, Joan, Mike and Susan; cousin, niece and friend to many more.

June is in kindergarten at Mt. Baldy School and loves being on campus with not only her sisters, but also her mom! She is strong and sure and in her brief little life she has charmed the hearts of many. June is loving, strong and a fiercely loyal friend.

Happy birthday, sweet girl, and may you 118 more healthy ones, by your Grandma's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save keep us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, John!

 Dear Hearts,

November 12th is the birthday of John Naime Herrington: son of Phillip and Ella; brother of Dee Dee, Joseph, Ruth, James, Anna, Agnes and Rose; grandson of Bob and Darlene and Eddie and Sylvia; cousin, nephew and friend to loads more lucky folks.

John is the third oldest of eight children and is a sophomore at St. Mary's along with a sibling and several cousins. He plays tight end and outside linebacker for the Knights' football team and can hold his own in any situation.

Happy birthday, John, and may you have 109 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


God Bless Mary Fran

Dear Hearts,

November 12th is the birthday of Mary Frances Patricia Sullivan Merwin: daughter of Big Sully and Mary Claire; sister of Jim, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margy and Patty; wife of Gary; mother of Joe, Kate, Luke and Maggie; grandmother of Ava, Henry, Elianah, Francesca and Inez; in-law, aunt and cousin of a big bunch; friend and trusted associate of hundreds.

She was larger than life in so many ways and everyone loved being with her. She was an educator, leader, friend, confident, seamstress, goofball, chef, facilitator, entertainer...she was the best.

Mary Fran fought brain cancer ferociously and, in the end, lived her final days with incredible grace and courage. We, her pack, her dear hearts, are lucky to have had her for over 60 years. Happy Birthday in heaven, beloved sister.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


God Bless Pat Nau

 Dear Hearts,

November 11th is the birthday of Patricia Pike McLoughlin Nau: wife of Donald "Mike," mother of Nancy, Patsy, Janet, Liz, Nick, Felix and Peter; Gammy to Jim, Mick, Amos, Miles, Franny, Michael, Matthew, J. Claire, Patrick, Christine, Peter, Elisabeth, Julie, Peter, Nathan, Felix, Jason, Peter, Travis, Michael, Allison, Emily; and Great Gammy to a bunch more.

She is Mrs. Nau to me, and the memories I have of her always involved happiness. She had the best voice and an even better laugh! Her home was beautiful and welcoming and she was the light of so many people's lives. Especially Old Scrap Iron's.

She was also a very dear friend to my mom, Mary Claire. They were two peas in a pod. Happy birthday in heaven, Mrs. Nau.

God bless us, and save us, and keep us from harm.


God Bless John Jeremiah

Dear Hearts,

November 10th is the birthday of John Jeremiah Sullivan II: the oldest son of Bob and Darlene, brother of Jim, Bobby, Paul, Tim, Mike, Mary, Margaret, Ella and Peter.

John died in a pedestrian car accident in February of 1980 when he was just 11 years old. He would have been 55 today, imagine that! I'm confident that at this stage in life John would have done such good in this world. I remember him as very sweet and super smiley, with sparkly eyes and freckled cheeks. I see his face in so many of his siblings and their children today!

Years ago, Uncle Bob dreamed that John was playing on a swing-set. Bob said, "When are you coming home?" John said, "Dad, I am home." What a gift. John is buried right next to his dad and grandma (Booma/Mom).

We love him and miss him. So, please continue to look after us John Jeremiah.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!

Dear Hearts,

November 10th is the birthday of Elizabeth Monti Sullivan: wife of John Paul; mother of Charlie and Mickey; daughter-in-law of Joan and Mike; niece, cousin and in-law to many more of us.

Elizabeth continues to grow in her career having moved to a new position as Associate Director, Global Feasibility Lead at Janssen of Johnson and Johnson. In that role she is conducting and supporting clinical research programs.

She is also a loving and supportive wife and proud mama who cheers on those two boys in all aspects of their lives. She and John have created a comfy, creative and lovely home together.

So, happy birthday dear Elizabeth, and may you have 88 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.


Happy Birthday, PJ!

Dear Hearts,

November 2 is the birthday of Paul Joseph Lewis, Jr.: son of Paul, Sr. and Margaret; brother of Mary Ella, Robert, William and Timothy; grandson of Bob and Darlene; cousin, nephew and friend to many more lucky people. He is a perfect mix of his parents--strong, faithful, smart, handsome and good.

P.J. is a freshman at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, the same school where his second cousin, Maggie Hanjani, received her law degree! He is on the football team and at 6'3" and 185 lb., he makes a great wide receiver.

Outside of sports, he is a steady, kind and polite young man who works hard and loves to goof around with his siblings and cousins.

Happy Birthday, P.J., and may you have 106 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Brandon!

Dear Hearts,

October 31 is the birthday of Brandon Goku Ryan: son of Maggie and Wade; grandson of John and Nancy; cousin of Evangeline and Violet; nephew of Michael, Lindsay and Matt; and a sweet, happy little buddy to all of us.

Brandon and Maggie are enjoying life in Baltimore where Brandon loves playing with his toys. In particular, he is expert in lining up his tiny cars and gathering his stuffed animals together. They live just a few miles from Uncle Matt too! He is a happy guy with a smile that will melt your heart, and already shows impressive taste and keen intellect when it comes to playing.

Happy birthday, Brandon, and may you have 122 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Matt!

Dear Hearts,

October 30th is the birthday of Matthew Wiley Sullivan, Sr.: father of Matty, Henry and Georgia; grandfather of Averee; son of Big Sully and Mary Claire; brother of Jim, Mary Fran, John, Mike, Anne, Jerry, Margy and Patty; uncle, nephew, cousin and friend to lots more folks.

Matt keeps very busy both professionally and personally. He is frequently being called for auditions in various productions and has become quite proficient in the technological process of creating reels and videos for casting directors. His creativity reaches the kitchen and beyond to an extensive and vibrant garden at his Hollywood apartment, from which he eats daily and shares lots of tasty fruits and veggies with family, friends and neighbors.

He loves the chance to hang out with Henry and Georgia in La Jolla, visit the farmers' market near his place and take a trip to the beach for some ocean swimming.

Happy Birthday, Matt, and may you have 58 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Happy Birthday, Elianah!

Dear Hearts,

October 26th is the birthday of Elianah Merwin: daughter of Joe and Sondra; granddaughter of Mary Fran and Gary; cousin of Ava, Henry, Francesca and Inez, sister, niece and friend to many more.

Elianah is growing up to be a beautiful, smart and talented young lady. Outside of school she enjoys challenging herself in fencing and music lessons. Indeed, her artistry is diverse, as Elianah enjoys drawing and redecorating her bedroom.

With all that strength, Elianah continues to be a bountiful source of kindness and beauty to the world. And her sense of humor is divine!

Happy Birthday, sweet Eli, and may you have 111 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Happy Birthday, Anna!

Dear Hearts,

Anna, left, with her friend at Easter.
October 23rd is the birthday of Anna Margaret Herrington: daughter of Ella and Phillip Herrington; sister to Dee Dee, Joseph, John, Ruth, James, Agnes and Rose; granddaughter of Bob and Darlene and Eddie and Sylvia; cousin, niece and friend to dozens more lucky people. Her name brings thoughts of two wonderful and important people in our family--Aunt Margaret and Aunt Anna Rita, aka The Aunties.

Anna is Aunt Darlene's 43rd grandchild! Since the day she was born, Anna has graced the world with her sweet face and sparkling eyes, often accompanied by a happy smile. I'm sure she is cruising through third grade with good grades and wonderful behavior.

Happy birthday, sweet girl. May you have 116 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Happy Birthday, Phillip!

Dear Hearts,

October 18th is the birthday of Phillip Andrew Herrington: son of Eddie and Sylvia; brother of Joseph, Audrey and James; husband of Ella; father of Dee Dee, Joseph, John, Ruth, James, Anna, Agnes and Rose; in-law, nephew, uncle, cousin and friend to so many more.

Teaching Theater Arts for beginning, intermediate and advanced students for the Glendale Union High School District, Phillip is also directs the plays and musicals each year. As a thespian, he is a member of a several theater groups with a long list of credits. Among his credits are work in 9 Circles, Building the Wall, The Crucible, As You Like It, Taming of the Shrew and more.

But most important is Phillip as a husband and father. He is so proud celebrating sacraments, graduations and birthdays with all the kids and is rather amazed to be the father of an adult now that Dee Dee is off at college! And more than ever, he is smitten with his Ella, who he calls his favorite person.

Happy Birthday, Phillip, and may you have 79 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Happy Birthday, Brynn!

Dear Hearts,

October 16th is the birthday of Brynn Noelle Sullivan: daughter of Tim and Maureen; sister of Andrew; granddaughter of Bob and Darlene and Andrew and Phyllis; niece, cousin and friend to many more.

Brynn is a beautiful blend of her mother and father--beautiful, smart, kind and funny! She has struck out into the world to explore new places and take on new challenges, and we look forward to seeing how her future unfolds. One thing is for sure, where ever she lands, she will add beauty to the place.

Happy Birthday sweetheart, and may you have 104 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Happy Birthday, Beatrice!

Dear Hearts,

October 14th is the birthday of Beatrice Adelaide Sullivan: daughter of Mick and Mary; sister to Oscar and Georgia; granddaughter to Nancy Nau Sullivan, Jim and Bitsy and George and Eleanor Reid; niece, cousin and friend to scores more lucky folks.

Beatrice has continues to swim competitively on the Decatur Family YMCA team. In fact, last weekend she raced in the 50- and 100-yard freestyle, as well as the 50- and 100-yard back stroke, and achieved three personal bests!

She swims butterfly, freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke, but the sport is not her only love. Beatrice loves to read and is one of those fascinating people who is both strong and dainty at the same time.

Happy birthday, Little Bea, and may you have 111 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Happy Birthday, Ivar!

Dear Hearts,

October 13th is the birthday of Ivar James Sullivan: son of John and Mercy; grandson of Jim and Erin and Skip and Donna; great grandson of Darlene and Bob; brother to Adrian, and nephew to scores of folks. And with the wonderful news of Mercy's pregnancy, Ivar will be the oldest of four in the coming months! Yes, four--Mercy and John are expecting twins in March!

On his third trip around the sun ivar has grown into a fine big brother. His smile lights up the world and he is clearly a happy, secure little fella. Especially when he can run and play outside and cuddle with mama when he slows down.

Happy birthday Ivar, and may you have 122 more healthy ones. by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Russ!

Dear Hearts,

October 12th is the birthday of Russ Brogdon: son-in-law of Whitey and Signe; husband of Dagne; father of Matthew and Nathaniel; in-law, cousin and friend to many more.

Russ is a Georgia man who has a fine reputation, takes good care of Dagne's beautiful heart and has earned the respect of Whitey. He is also a dedicated Georgia Bulldog fan who also enjoys golf and travel with his family.

Happy Birthday, Russ, and may you have 80 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

God Bless Maurice Moloney

Dear Hearts,

October 11th is the 137th anniversary of the birth of Maurice Moloney, brother of Kate Sheehan (Boom's mom who was called Nanny by Mary Claire and Helen). Maurice was born October 11, 1878.

When Jim was in Ireland in 1992, found the family farm there in Clare and visited with Nicholas FitzPatrick, Maurice's neighbor and oldest friend. Nicholas almost fainted when Jim got out of the car--he thought it was Maurice himself who had come back from the grave! Nicholas said, "You are the dead spit of Maurice. If you'd had a walking stick in your hand, I would have had a heart attack." Maurice died in his nineties in the 1970s.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Maurice. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


God Bless Mary Fran

Dear Hearts,

October 11th is the 13th anniversary of the passing of Mary Fran Merwin: daughter of Big Sully and Mary Claire; sister of Jim, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margaret and Patty; wife of Gary Merwin; mother of Joe, Katie, Luke and Maggie; grandmother to Ava, Henry, Elianah, Francesca and Inez; granddaughter, sister-in-law, cousin, aunt, niece and friend to so many more lucky folks.

She was larger than life in every way--so loving, smart, funny, professional, compassionate and kind. Sixteen years older than me, I had the joy and amazement of watching her get ready for dates--helping her choose what earrings to wear, smelling the Jean Nate perfume, getting to secretly try her lipstick.

In every phase of her life she amazed us all--as a college student, so independent and successful; as a young wife, so loving and creative; as a mother, so wise and nurturing; as a teacher and ultimately the principal of the largest high school in Wisconsin, so compassionate and professional. We are all better people to have known and loved her, and I pray we can all live up to her example.

We sure do miss you MF. Keep sending your messages and watching over us.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty