Sunday, November 12, 2023

God Bless Mary Fran

Dear Hearts,

November 12th is the birthday of Mary Frances Patricia Sullivan Merwin: daughter of Big Sully and Mary Claire; sister of Jim, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margy and Patty; wife of Gary; mother of Joe, Kate, Luke and Maggie; grandmother of Ava, Henry, Elianah, Francesca and Inez; in-law, aunt and cousin of a big bunch; friend and trusted associate of hundreds.

She was larger than life in so many ways and everyone loved being with her. She was an educator, leader, friend, confident, seamstress, goofball, chef, facilitator, entertainer...she was the best.

Mary Fran fought brain cancer ferociously and, in the end, lived her final days with incredible grace and courage. We, her pack, her dear hearts, are lucky to have had her for over 60 years. Happy Birthday in heaven, beloved sister.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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