Monday, January 23, 2023

Happy Birthday, Matt!

Dear Hearts,

January 23rd is the birthday of Matthew John Sullivan: son of John and Nancy; brother of Mike and Maggie; uncle to Evangeline, Violet and Brandon; cousin and friend to scores more. Matt has been blessed with the same beautiful dimples of his mom and dad.

Matt and his girlfriend Amy recently bought a lovely house in Baltimore and are happily ensconced there with various pets and projects.

A gifted artist, Matt has produced an album and continues to explore his music-making abilities with great creativity and skill. He currently works as an ambassador for Creative Alliance, an organization that works to bring artists together to build art and education program in the Baltimore area.

For such a young man, he has created a diverse and impressive resume that includes marketing, editing, management, tutoring/teaching and even dog walking! And that doesn't include his volunteer efforts with various non-profits. With an undergrad degree from James Madison U and a Masters from the American University, Matt's future is looking bright and we look forward to hearing about his next endeavor.

Happy Birthday, Matthew, and may you have 91 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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