Monday, July 17, 2023

Happy Birthday, John!

Dear Hearts,

July 18th is the birthday of John Sullivan Bornhop: son of Andy and Patty; brother of Andrew and Thomas; husband of Misty; nephew, cousin, coach, teammate and friend to many more folks. John is one of ten men in our family's last few generations who was given the name that means "God is Gracious."

The most important development in the past year is that John is now married to his beautiful bride Misty! The two of them, and many of you Dear Hearts, endured the rainiest day in So. Cal. for the event, not to mention the muddiest reception ever! Six months in and these two are still living in wedded bliss.

John just finished his fifth year teaching high school English and still loves introducing his students to many of the classics in literature, like "Of Mice & Men," "Frankenstein" and "The Scarlet Letter." He uses song lyrics everyday to encourage teenagers to think more deeply and consider words more thoughtfully.

Having joined a group of teachers who chaperone students on trips abroad, John ventured to Europe recently and has plans to take Misty on a future trip to Japan. National Parks are some of his favorite destinations and the two of them will check a few more off their bucket list this summer as the tour through the west next month.

Music, travel, cooking, golf, reading, fishing and camping--John is up for whatever activity might present itself. He is loyal, faithful, kind, compassionate, funny, smart and loving and we are proud and grateful to call him our son.

Happy birthday, John, and may you have 95 more healthy ones, respectively, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty/Mom

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