Sunday, August 20, 2023

Happy Birthday, Miles!

Dear Hearts,

August 21st is the birthday of Miles Henry Isaac Jogues Sullivan: son of Seamus the Older and Nancy; brother of Jim, Mick, Amos and Francie; husband of Sarah; father of Maeve, James and Silas; uncle, nephew, cousin, bandmate and friend to scores more folks. Miles possess talents that continue to amaze all of us.

He is a gifted musician, able to play guitar, banjo, harmonica, piano and more. His singing voice is strong and full of character and emotion. Indeed, he states on his BandCamp page, "My goal is to help keep the classic traditions of American music alive today."

Apart from his music, Miles is also an entrepreneur in the business world and a hard-working and loving husband and dad at home.

Happy Birthday Miles, and may you have 84 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

I have made an attempt below to embed a recording of Miles singing "Ramblin.'" If it does not work, click on the link above to arrive a Miles' Bandcamp page.

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