Sunday, September 10, 2023

Happy Birthday, Misty!

Dear Hearts,

September 12 is the birthday of Misty Rae Bornhop: wife of John Bornhop; daughter of Mark and Michelle; daughter-in-law of Andy and Patty; sister of Michaela; cousin; niece; granddaughter; in-law; friend and advocate for her students. This is Misty's premier entry in Dear Hearts!

Misty has just began her third year as an Education Specialist in the moderate-severe high school classroom. Her approach to her work is full of energy and joy that is fueled by an impressive work ethic. It's a pleasure to hear her stories from the classroom and how much she enjoys working with her students.

She and John met when they were both working as classroom aids in the Special Ed classroom at Villa Park High School several years ago. And they are back together on campus this year since Misty took a teaching position at that same school.

Outside work, Misty is a busy woman keeping up with friends, gathering with family, cooking delicious recipes, travelling with John and heading to concerts throughout So. Cal. She's become a gardener and is enjoying her crops in her cooking. Best of all, Misty is a loving, loyal, intelligent, compassionate and hilarious young woman who continues to brighten our lives.

So, happy birthday Mist, and may you have 96 more healthy ones according to the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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