Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Happy Birthday, Lizzy!

Dear Hearts,

October 5th is the birthday of Elizabeth Flores: daughter of Margaret and Brian; sister of Daniel; wife of Randy; mama of Levi, Amos and Maggie; in-law, niece, cousin and friend to many more.

As an educator, Lizzy has recently returned to a school site working as an instructional coach at Mt. Baldy School. Yes, the same school at which her cousin, Kate Huffman, serves as Superintendent/Principal, and her mother, Margaret Glick, teaches music. Other than bringing a fresh and collaborative attitude to the school faculty with valuable expertise, Lizzy now heads off to work alongside her two sons who are in fourth and second grades. Little Maggie will join them soon! 
Outside of work, Lizzy still loves to read voraciously, enjoy music, cooking, gardening and keeping their beautiful mountain home cozy and comfy. Her penchant for organization, list-making and project planning is quite admirable and makes her one of the most productive people I know.

Happy birthday, Lizzy, and may you have 87 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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