Saturday, June 29, 2024

Happy Birthday, Bitsy!

Dear Hearts,

June 30th is the birthday of Elizabeth Ann Cusick Sullivan: daughter of Budd and June; sister of Katherine, Linda, Debra and Brian; mother of Rick and Maggie; stepmother of Jim, Mick and Mary, Amos and Sara, Miles and Sarah and Franny; grandmother of Rachel, Oscar, Beatrice, Georgia, Maeve, James, Silas, Marcos, Roman and Carmen; sister-in-law, aunt, cousin and friend to many more lucky people. Everyone calls her Bitsy.

Bitsy continues to make the world a better place with her talents--her kindness, wisdom, work ethic, sense of humor, patience and intelligence. Her family and neighbors are continually blessed with her artistry in the garden. I've never seen such beautiful flower beds in real life!

The Munster Garden Club is lucky to have her, whether they are holding its annual plant sale, decorating a garden-themed Christmas tree or organizing its yearly Garden Walk. She is a Master Garden and is always willing to bring natural beauty to others through her gardening.

Bitsy is Jim's soulmate and his inspiration, and their life together is truly something to admire. She is one of the most peaceful and patient people I've ever met.

Happy Birthday, sweet Bitsy, and may you have 47 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Friday, June 28, 2024

Happy Birthday, John!

Dear Hearts,

June 28th is the birthday of John Paul Sullivan: son of Mike and Joan; brother of Katie O., husband of Elizabeth; father of Charlie and Mickey; nephew, cousin and friend to scores more lucky folks.

At home, he is a devoted husband and dad, enjoying new aspects of parenting as his boys grow older. John is and always has been passionate about life and navigates the world with compassion and intelligence. Indeed, he and Elizabeth are sharing their love of travel with their boys, as well as creating music.

Music remains a very big part of John's life. If you listen to music on Spotify, I highly recommend you follow John there. If feel as though I know him better with every listen. His lyrics are powerful, his music beautiful and his voice makes me smile and cry.

Happy Birthday, John Paul, and may you have 86 more healthy ones, by your Mother's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Christian!

Dear Hearts,

June 27th is the birthday of Christian Martin Whalen: son of John and Helen; brother of Teresa, Damian, Lisa and Mercy; husband of Aida; father of Nicholas, Morgan, Sean and Connor; grandfather of Isaac and Isabela; cousin, nephew and friend to many more.

Christian's professional resume as written on the Fine Homebuilding website, is impressive: "Chris Whalen has worked in Missoula since 1974 as a carpenter, project manager and contractor. His finish carpentry has been featured in the local Parade of Homes since it’s beginning in 1990. He was the project manager for over 25 of the areas finest homes, including several award winning entries in the Parade of Homes. While working for old time builders as well as younger contractors, Chris honed his carpentry and woodworking skills and learned much about construction management. He is also a contributing writer for Fine Homebuilding magazine."

He's one of the older kids who carries the memories of simpler times at 704 W. 50th Street--Boom and Boompa's house on the south side of Chicago. He values family and heritage and has hung on to and shared some terrific photos from his childhood.

Happy Birthday, Christian, and may you have 53 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Dear Hearts,

June 27th is the birthday of Matthew Kermit Brogdon: son of Russ and Dagne; brother of Nathaniel; grandson of Whitey and Signe; friend and classmate to many more.

Kermit is a White family name--three consecutive Lawrence Kermit Whites--so Matthew carries the name forward. This fella is full of non-stop energy and calls Whitey and Signe Oma and Opa. He looks like Whitey, who looks like his Dad, Red. The genes keep on rolling.

Happy Birthday, Matthew, and may you have 114 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Happy Birthday, Gus!

Dear Hearts,

June 26th is the birthday of Augustine Paul Sullivan: son of Mike and Shelly, brother of Jake, Seamus, Mia, Sofia, Nelly and Max; grandson of Bob and Darlene and Don and Judy; cousin, nephew and friend to a bunch more lucky folks.

Gus moving through high school and will be a junior at St. Marys in a few months. In football, he was moved up to varsity last year and played at middle linebacker. While on the JV squad he served as team captain and has at least two cousins on the team too!

He's a great brother and can always be counted on for some terrific laughs. He is a perfect blend of his mother and father and we look forward to seeing what the high school years bring!

Happy birthday, Gus, and may you have 110 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Monday, June 24, 2024

God Bless Boompa

Dear Hearts,

June 25th is the 119th anniversary of the birth of Irwin Vincent Michael Wiley, born Wilkoshesky: son of Alfred and Wanda Wilkoshesky, brother of Norbert, Alfred, Carl, Eugene, Stewart and Blanche; husband of Mary Frances Sheehan (Boom Boom); father of Mary Claire and Helen; grandfather of Jim, Mary Fran, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margaret, Patty, Christian, Teresa, Damian, Lisa and Mercy; great grandfather to over two dozen; great great to a bunch more! He was born on June 25, 1904 and died on July 12, 1994 in California at the age of 90. We all called him Boompa.

He graduated from high school at 15, and from Crane Tech at 17. In his 70-year career as an engineer, he surveyed the ways and calculated the slopes and curves of the road bed from Chicago to Montana, on foot, walking behind the train, for the Milwaukee Railroad (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad.) It was the only company from which he received a paycheck--almost 50 years.

When he was 14, his mother died swiftly of the Spanish flu. When he was 21, he married his sweetheart, and at age 22 became a father. When he was 44, he became a grandfather and realized the impact of his example. Boompa quit smoking, a lifelong habit. Stopped cold and never backslid. When he was 50, he began marking his birthdays backward, initiating a count down of sorts. So, when he was 60, he said he was 40. When he was 65, he put in an entirely new bathroom, carpentry, masonry, plumbing, electrics, tile, the works, by himself. 

The homes he and Boom created (on the Southside of Chicago and in Lansing) were like a miracle-lands to us. He created a gigantic sandbox, filled with Lake Michigan sand, under his back porch steps--in the middle of the Back of the Yards neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago--for his grandchildren. Their house was stocked with stuff that never entered ours, or only lasted ten seconds there. Cases of soda, dill pickles, ice cream, maraschino cherries, sausage roll-ups. We used to sleep up in the attic, a wonderland of cool stuff. 

The story goes that Nanny pointed out Irwin Wiley to 19-year-old Boom Boom as a worthy beau. Boom recognized the goodness in a man who attended church with mother in shined shoes and combed hair. The two were married until she died in 1997 at age 94. And until he was physically unable, Boompa attended Mass every morning.

He used to say that there were two guides for us all the time. First, he said, "Just think about Jesus. There's your example." And he said, "Sometimes you get a hunch, or a nudge, or a little accident happily occurs--that's the Holy Spirit."

Margaret was sitting with him at San Antonio Hospital in Upland just before he died. A day or so earlier he described how he had "just been at a cocktail party with some of his brothers and Aunt Pat and some others from the old neighborhood." All these people had been gone for years. He said the hors d'oeuvres were okay but the cheese was a little stale. He was holding on to life. Monsignor Maher had been in to see him and proclaimed him the "deepest faith I have ever witnessed."

Boompa was holding on for something. Margy told him that we were all ok, that he had taken real good care of the family, it was okay for him to go. Soon after, he sat up, raised his arms up and smiled as if he saw something, and said, "Mama. Mama. Mama." Then he lay back down, closed his eyes, and in a few minutes quietly slipped into the Hands of God, and I believe, the loving arms of his mother. I think she brought him into the world, and was there to take him out, as if not an hour had passed since she had handed him his lunch and kissed him goodbye.

To this day we all hear his comments in our heads: "Don't muck around with the moon." "If you want to play, go to a gymnasium." "You little S-yous." "If it's not yours, don't fool with it." "You have to be smarter than the (fill in the blank--toaster, television, etc.)" "Did you teach the teacher anything today?"

Happy Birthday, Boompa. Please keep watching over us like you have always done.

God bless us and keep us and save us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Signe!

Dear Hearts,

Signe, Larry, Jim and Bitsy
June 25th is the birthday of Signe Astrid Pabst White: wife of Larry (Whitey); mother of Abigail, Kermit, Mike and Dagne; grandmother of Little Kermit and Nathaniel Brogdon; daughter, sister and friend to many lucky folks.

She has given much to her Country, having lost her first husband who was killed in action in Vietnam. He was Air Force pilot 1LT Mike Minor, Jim and Whitey's classmate and friend. Signe has worked by Larry's side wherever life and the Army took them, packing up and moving their lives many, many times. Today, Signe and Larry are enjoying retirement in their dream home near Toccoa in North Georgia.

Happy Birthday, Signe, and may you have 53 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Happy Birthday, John!

Dear Hearts,

June 24th is the birthday of Dr. John Ullmen. John was a fellow mentor with Seamus the Older and Gus Lee at West Point for the National Conference on Ethics in America. Jim says they became friends because of John's openness, generosity and love of country, and willingness to mentor and teach our young officers and college students. Plus he's just a real good guy and smart as a whip.

John graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1988 and in active duty served as a lead systems engineer for a global Joint Chiefs of Staff intelligence program. He then became a Continuing Lecturer at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. He has conducted hundreds of in-depth executive coaching engagements with leaders across a wide range of Fortune 500 firms.

Visit John's website to understand this man's impressive and ongoing efforts in leadership, mindfulness, communications and more. But it's not just professional talent he possesses--John is a kind, compassionate and loyal friend.

Happy Birthday, John, and may you have 68 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Happy Birthday, Gary!

Dear Hearts,
Gary with his eldest grandchild, Ava.

June 23rd is the birthday of Gary Lee Merwin: husband of Mary Fran; father of Joe, Kate, Luke and Maggie; grandfather (GaGa) of Ava, Henry, Elianah, Francesca and Inez; son of Dick and Dorothy; brother, uncle and friend to many, many more.

Gary came into our family to the delight of everyone. Mary Claire and Big Sully loved and respected him, and MF's siblings loved when he visited.

He is still working as the owner of Merwin Oil Company, a company established in 1941! Family, however, is always a priority and Gary spends as much of it as possible with his kids and grandchildren.

Happy birthday, Gary, and may you have 48 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Happy Birthday, Carmen!

Dear Hearts,

June 19th is the birthday of Maria Carmen Sullivan: daughter of Amos and Sara; sister of Roman and Marcos; granddaughter of Jim, Nancy, Bitsy, Encarna and Antonio; niece, cousin and friend to scores more.

Carmen is a happy strong-willed little girl. She loves dancing, jumping, and reading. While I'm sure she she learns much from her older brothers, I can't help but to think she also keeps them in line. Carmen is bilingual and gobbling up books in both Spanish and English.

Happy Birthday, Carmen, and may you have 119 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Friday, June 14, 2024

Happy Birthday, Shelly!

Dear Hearts,

June 15th is the birthday of Shelly Makus Sullivan: daughter of Don and Judy; sister of Joel and Dennis; wife of Mike; mother of Jake, Seamus, Mia, Augustine, Sofia, Nelly and Max; sister-in-law, cousin, aunt and friend to many, many more.

Shelly grew up in Booneville, Arkansas, and if you listen carefully you can still pick up a little bit of a lovely accent. To watch her care for and love her children and husband is an inspiration. She is steady, beautiful, faithful and smart and nothing seems to rattles her!

To look at her, you'd never guess Shelly is the mother of a college graduate who has flown the coop.

So, happy Birthday, Shelly, and may you have 76 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, J-Bug!

Dear Hearts,

June 15th is the birthday of Jeremy Laurence Sullivan: fifth son of Big Sully and Mary Claire; brother of Jim, Mary Fran, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Margy and Patty; nephew, uncle, cousin and friend to scores more folks. He is called Jerry, J-Bug, G, Jez. Big Sully named him Blackie.

Jerry is a journalist--one of the few such professionals I trust to provide readers with the truth on every story he researches and writes. He is the National Managing Editor for The Real Deal, a source of new analysis for the real estate industry. Jerry oversees coverage in Southern California, the Bay Area, Chicago and Texas markets. These days, he works out of the New York office in Manhattan.

He and Jane continue to explore the world--whether it's a new opera in the Upper West Side or a European adventure. 

Jerry is still a generous, loving, funny, smart and creative man who dresses to the nines. I must also add that he can be an evil-witted jokester and near-violent competitor in yards games. Many of us could go on and on with hilarious and ridiculous stories of time spent with Jerry.

Happy Birthday, J-Bug, and may you have 62 more healthy ones according to the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, P-Bug

Happy Birthday, Amos!

Dear Hearts,

June 15th is the birthday of Amos Wiley Sullivan: son of Jim and Nancy; brother of Jim III, Mick, Miles and Franny; husband of Sara; father of Marcos, Roman and Carmen; cousin, uncle, nephew and friend of scores more people.

Amos continues his work as a Project Manager and Salesman at Hammond Machine Works, his grandfather's machine shop now owned by his Uncle Pete Nau, and has become an invaluable resource to the company.

He is a quiet man, certainly not one to espouse his own accomplishments, which are many. Just consider the diversity of his educational pursuits: Amos earned bachelor degrees in Chemistry and Psychology, as well as a graduate degree in Industrial Technology and Operations. I'm certain he can fill the boots of two or three positions at one company!

And when he heads home, he is happy to be with his wife and three little ones, reading, making music, snuggling or running around their big beautiful back yard that he so beautifully maintains. He is a gifted athlete and loved playing baseball, hockey and swimming as a kid.

Happy Birthday, Amos Wiley, and may you have 79 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Old Glory & the U.S. Army

Dear Hearts,

June 14th is the 247th anniversary of the United States Flag and the 248th birthday of our much-loved United States Army.

Old Glory

The resolution adopted by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777 following the report of a special committee which had been assigned to suggest the flag’s design states:

"That the flag of the United States shall be of thirteen stripes of alternate red and white, with a union of thirteen stars of white in a blue field, representing the new constellation."

The Star Spangled Banner that flew over Fort McHenry and inspired Francis Scott Key's song is on display at the Museum of American History in Washington D.C. and is impressive to see in real life.

U.S. Army

The U.S. Army’s honorable lineage dates back to June 14, 1775. Today, 249 years later, we observe our Army’s values and patriotism, our legacy of service and making a difference in our communities, and the sacrifices we have

Click here for more information about the origins of the U.S. Army.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Ella!

Dear Hearts,

June 14th is the birthday of Darlene Ella Herrington: daughter of Bob and Darlene; sister of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Tim, Mike, Sr. Mary, Margaret and Peter; wife of Phillip; mother of Dee Dee, Joseph, John, Ruth, James, Ann, Agnes and Rose; sister-in-law, aunt, cousin and friend of so many more.

Ella and her bright smile continue to bless the people around her and throughout the world. Her compassion, work ethic and goodness benefit not only her husband, children and extended family, but scores of people facing challenging times. Ella truly is an example of being Christ to others. Her faith is an inspiration and she and Phillip are raising good and beautiful little people.

Happy Birthday, Ella, and may you have 80 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Longevity Aspiration Law of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Dear Hearts,

June 12th is the birthday of Matthew Keith Sullivan: son of Peter and Melody; brother of Annemarie, John, Ben, Mikey, Bo and James; nephew, cousin, teammate and friends to a whole bunchy of lucky folks.

Matthew just completed his grade school career and is moving with on to high school. He's sure to wow them in the classroom, the court or the field with his impressive mix of talent. Along with intelligence and physical prowess, Matthew is a very sweet and loyal brother, son and friend.

Happy birthday Matthew, and may you have 110 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Nicole!

Dear Hearts,

June 11th is the birthday of Nicole Pruitt Sullivan: daughter of Ron and Celia; wife of Bobby; mother of Jeremiah, Ella, Thomas and Patrick; grandmother to a growing generation of littles.

Nicole started her career teaching elementary school, before staying home to raise her children. For many years she has worked as the librarian at St. Gregory Catholic School where she connects children to good books and ignites within them a love of reading.

Nicole has always been a beautiful example of strength and kindness--always wearing a lovely smile, holding her arms open for an embrace. And lucky Nicole--she has an increasing number of grandchildren to fill those arms!

Happy birthday, Nicole, and may you have 72 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Bo!

Dear Hearts,

June 10th is the birthday of Robert Peter Sullivan: son of Peter and Melody; brother of Annie, John, Matthew, Ben and Mikey; nephew, cousin and friend to many more lucky folks. He's named after his grandpa and his dad, but we all call him Bo.

In the words of his mom, Bo is the peacemaker and a family favorite. He is a fishing buddy, playmate and a loyal friend to his siblings and seems always to sport a wide grin on his sweet little face.

Happy birthday, Bo, and may you have 118 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

My sweet Bo is 7!!

Happy Birthday, James!

Dear Hearts,

June 10th is the birthday of James Robert Herrington: son of Ella and Phillip; brother of Dee Dee, Joseph, John, Ruth, Anna, Agnes and Rose; cousin, classmate and friend to dozens more. James was a tie-breaker at his birth since he was born with two brothers and two sisters!

James is moving on to sixth grade and growing tall quickly. His sweet grin and sneaky sense of humor still blesses everyone around him, and I'm certain he's inherited the intelligence, compassion and humor of both the Sullivans and Herringtons as well.

Happy birthday, James, and may you have 113 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Red

Dear Hearts,

June 10th is the anniversary of the birth of Lawrence Kermit White, Sr.--Larry/Whitey's father. His nickname was Red. Jim offers this:

He was born in 1912 in Tennessee on a farm. His father was a minister. He graduated from West Point in 1933, married his lifelong spouse, "Sweetie" Flint. They had three children, and the one we know is Whitey. Whitey is prouder of nothing more in this world, except his family, than of the fact that he carries the name Lawrence Kermit White, Jr., after one of the acknowledged greatest infantry colonels we have ever had in our Army.

These Whites are decorated officers: Red holds the Distinguished Service Cross and Silver Star, Whitey holds 3 Legions of Merit and the Bronze Star.

When Red was about 32, he was a full colonel and the youngest regimental commander in the US Army. His regiment was held up by Japanese tanks, and Red went up front and right into the teeth of the Japanese tank battalion. He got his unit moving- he led from the very front- he went first-"Follow Me!" He got hit, almost mortally, and never had full use of his leg again, and never spent a pain-free day again, and he lived until 5 April, 2006.

Father Elmer Heindl, (not sure of the spelling) a Catholic chaplain, crawled up and put a tourniquet on Red, under fire. The unit accomplished the mission, won the battle, and that was Red's last day in his beloved Army. He and Father Heindel were both put in for the Medal of honor, but awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, for extraordinary and intrepid gallantry.

Then, the US wouldn't let Red go, and he spent the next 25 years as #2 man (the one who stayed put when the politically appointed #1 was switched) at the CIA. He transitioned the old OSS under Donovan into the modern day CIA- and he is in that organization's Hall of Fame.

He was beloved by every single person who ever served under him, and revered by his peers, and respected at the very least by his few seniors.

He was very good to me, the few times I was privileged to meet him. I know this- Whitey is what and who he is, because of many things, but one of the strongest is his fierce love and loyalty for his father, and his determination to emulate "The Old Man."

And I'm proud to report that Whitey is just like his Dad--even looks exactly like him. Red is gone now, and is never to be forgotten. Thank you for everything, Col. White.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Jim & Patty

Happy Birthday, Sofia!

Dear Hearts,

June 10th is the birthday of Sofia Marie Sullivan: daughter of Mike and Shelly; sister to Jake, Seamus, Mia, Gus, Nelly and Max; niece, cousin, classmate and friend to scores more lucky people. She recently completed her grade school years and will be in high school in the fall!

Sofie is a talented girl in so many ways; baking, academics and sports. She practices her faith outwardly which is so impressive and beautiful. Spending time with Sofie quickly shows you her tender heart and sensitive soul.

Happy birthday, Sofie, and may you have 111 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Happy Birthday, Grace!

Dear Hearts,

It's rare to find a photo
of Grace in which she
is not hugging a sister!

June 7th is the birthday of Grace Vaucher Huffman: daughter of Kate and Ryan; sister of Caroline and June; granddaughter of Mike and Joan Sullivan and Mike and Susan Huffman; niece, cousin and friend to a whole bunch of lucky people. She still has the most adorable curly hair I've ever seen!

Grace may as well have been the model for the Fearless Girl statue the stands in front of the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street. She, Grace, goes through life with her chin up and oftentimes with her hands on her hips. She is ferocious in everything she does--playing soccer, working through a school project or loving her family.

Happy birthday Gracie, and may you have 117 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Dear Hearts,

June 7th is the birthday of James Patrick Sullivan, Jr.: son of Jim and Mary Claire; brother of Mary Fran, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margaret and Patty; father of Jim III, Mickey, Miles, Amos and Franny; husband of Bitsy; grandfather to Oscar, Beatrice, Lucille, Maeve, James, Silas, Roman, Marcos and Carmen, as well as those on Bitsy's side; uncle, cousin, nephew, classmate and friend to hundreds more. He's also known as Papa Sully, Seamus the Older and Sully. He is proud to share this day in history with those who fought on the shores of France on D-Day in 1944.

Our brother Mike offers this:

"Today (June 6) marks a heroic day in our country's history. For on this day, American citizen/ soldiers landed in Normandy upon incredible assault from the Nazis. Within 8 months, those soldiers, airmen from the Army Air Corps, the Army Airborne, and all others from staff to resistance, laid waste to the bad boys. They came, they saw, and they conquered. Big Jim Sullivan (our dad) ran a mission over Omaha beach that day.

Three years later, a boy was born on the south side of Chicago. His name was Jim and he belonged to Jim Sullivan from the Army Air Corps who had lay the Nazi's to waste 3 years earlier. Today is his 76th birthday. He's my big brother, along with 7 others (2 deceased). He is a mensch, a warrior, courageous, always loyal, always there, always my best friend, and always a voice of solace and wisdom. Happy birthday, Jim."

Jim has been the glue that holds people together, whether they are his classmates at West Point or our greater Sullivan/Wiley clan. He is a force of goodness--tender with little children, steadfast in his work, unwavering in his faith and loyal as the day is long. Like a few of our ancestors he has so eloquently described in the past, Jim is larger than life. We all know him, we all love him, and our lives are richer because of him.

So, happy birthday Papa Sully, and may you have 49 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Pattissima

Happy Birthday, Kerry!

Dear Hearts,

June 3rd is the birthday of Jim's classmate/brother and dear friend, Kerry Lawrence: husband of Kat, our Sheehan cousin, and the author of the West Point Class of 1970 Constitution. He is that class's James Madison, a highly respected attorney and a man his classmates all turn to for sound counsel and a clear head and a level, brave take on life.

Kerry is a construction attorney in the Seattle area but more than that--he is an experienced mediator, arbitrator and dispute resolution expert. He, like Jim, is a faithful friend and classmate who keeps in touch with his West Point alumni. He and Kat cherish their family and are proud grandparents too!

Happy Birthday, Kerry, and may you have 49 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Randy!

Dear Hearts,

June 3rd is the birthday of Randy Flores: son of Kim and Big Randy; brother of Corey and Katie; husband of Lizzy; father of Levi, Amos and Maggie; son-in-law to Margaret and Brian; uncle, nephew, cousin and friend to many, many more. Randy is still one of the nicest guys I know.

He works as a field technician for Siemens, replacing and repairing major pieces in our infrastructure, like traffic lights. Certified to work a crane, he proves himself to be indispensable to his professional team. His work ethic is as sturdy as they come, matched only by his good attitude about the job that needs doing.

You can find him on the soccer field as a referee for his sons' games, in the yard fine-tuning the large chicken coop he built, at the kitchen table discussing Star Wars scenes with his sons, or in the ocean surfing when time permits. He is also compelled to do just about whatever his sweet Maggie demands of him.

Happy Birthday, Randy, and may you have 84 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Seamus!

Dear Hearts,

June 3 is the birthday of Seamus Sullivan: son of Mike and Shelly; brother of Jake, Mia, Gus, Sofie, Nelly and Max; grandson of Bob, Darlene, Don and Judy; nephew, cousin, teammate and friend to scores more.

Seamus continues his studies in Business Administrations and Management at the University of Dallas, where he attends with several Sully cousins. Outside the lecture hall he's a physical specimen--strong and fast. He's also as sweet as honey, polite, faithful, compassionate and funny as heck.

Happy Birthday, Seamus, and may you have 104 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

Go bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Lefty

Dear Hearts,

May 31st is the anniversary of the birth of John Jeremiah "Lefty" Sullivan: our patriarch, grandfather, great grandfather and great-great-grandfather. He was born in Chicago in 1893 and died on July 7, 1958.

He was the youngest of six, second brother, son of Jeremiah Barry O’Sullivan from Limerick, and Anna Meany from Clare. At 5' 10" tall and 185 lbs., John was a graceful athlete who was awarded a scholarship to play football at Notre Dame as a split end--today's wide receiver. John turned it down to sign with the White Sox in about 1911. He played in the minor league system until WWI broke out.

He was the first generation of us born here, and the first of us to go into the U.S. Army. Three generations of his descendants have since served in that same Army. John was in a cavalry unit and shortly after he reported to the front line the Armistice was signed.

Back home, his rookie year in the big leagues was 1919, the year of the Black Sox scandal. He appeared four times. After that, the Sox were busted up and Lefty pitched semi-pro ball for 25 more years. You can read an extensive article about Lefty on the Society of American Baseball Research website here.

He met and married Anna Conick--who we called Booma or Mom--and started their family. Although they lived in Chicago, my dad, James P. Sullivan Sr., was born in Beloit, Wisconsin, as Left was playing up there when Booma went into labor unexpectedly.

After baseball, he worked selling insurance in Chicago, playing pool in the summers to feed the family and ran unsuccessfully for alderman. He always wore a white shirt and a tie, shined his shoes and sported clean fingernails.

He died on July 7, 1958 of a heart attack in Chicago a man loved by many and missed by all. God bless you, Lefty. Please keep on eye on us all until we meet, God willing, in heaven.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Maureen!

Dear Hearts,

May 29th is the birthday of Maureen Sullivan: wife of Tim; mother of Brynn and Andrew; daughter of Phyllis and Andrew; sister, aunt, daughter, cousin and friend to so many more. While another year has passed, Maureen does not seem to age--she is as beautiful as ever!

Mo continues to entertain and educate through her intelligence, wit and admirable faith. Through the challenges of chronic medical issues, she sees goodness in suffering. Whether we know it or not, we all benefit from Maureen's indomitable prayer life. Thank you, Mo.

Born and raised in Mahwah, NJ, she'll gives anyone a run for their money in a debate. She is a grad of the University of Dallas and a student of the great philosophical minds of the Church. She is glad to be living in So. Cal., just a stone's throw from the beach.

Happy birthday, Mo, and may you have 75 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Prayer Request

Dear Hearts,

A very important request: As soon as your time permits, please take a few moments to offer up prayers for a few dear friends of Jim who are battling health issues.

Colonel Frank Monaco and Colonel Mike Meuleners are two long-time, faithful U.S. Army officers with 56 years of devoted service between them. Through war and peace and everything else these men–and their respective families who have always been their foundation and support–have worked and fought for us and our country.

Frank and Mike both have cancer and continue to fight on this strange battlefield of cancer treatment–marching through daily/weekly appointments for treatments, enduring challenging side effects and anticipating their next steps in care.

I truly believe we can lighten their load through our prayers. Let’s carry them for a while and give them respite from the battle. So please, grab the beads, the bibles, the prayer cards, the statues--whatever your prayer tradition entails--and concentrate on Frank and Mike, their bodies, minds and spirits, while asking God to shower them with healing comfort and confidence.

St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients and is known to have been cured of the disease after Jesus came to him in a dream and touched his ulcerated leg. I offer this prayer:

O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you. For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.

We ask you to look down on Frank and Mike today. Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.

Also please ask for the intercession of another saint on behalf of Jane Shadid, the wife of Jim’s West Point classmate Colonel Ted Shadid. Jane lives with Cushing's disease and the painful challenges that condition brings. Ted is serving his bride in every way possible to keep her comfortable, but with some prayers from us, maybe we can lift both Jane and Ted and give them a break from their pain and hard work. St. Padre Pio, the Patron Saint of Pain, Suffering and Healing,gave us this prayer to appeal to Christ’s healing ways. You might pray this on behalf of Jane:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me.
I thank you for sending your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free.
I trust in your power and grace that sustain and restore me.

Loving Father, touch me now with your healing hands,
for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit.
Cover me with the most precious blood of your Son,
our Lord, Jesus Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.
Cast anything that should not be in me.
Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells.
Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas.

Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection
by the power of Jesus’ precious blood.
Let the fire of your healing love pass through my entire body
to heal and make new any diseased areas
so that my body will function the way you created it to function.
Touch also my mind and my emotion,
even the deepest recesses of my heart.

Saturate my entire being with your presence,
love, joy and peace and draw me ever closer to you every moment of my life.

And Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit
and empower me to do your works
so that my life will bring glory and honor to your holy name.
I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank you all for your prayers and good vibes on behalf of Frank, Mike and Jane. As the simple graphic above shows, we CAN help each other profoundly through prayer.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty