Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Dear Hearts,

July 2nd is the birthday of Andrew William Bornhop: son of Rod Sr. and Mary Louise; brother of Barbara, Gretchen, Mary, Rodney and Rosie; husband of me (the luckiest girl in the world); father of John, Andrew and Thomas; father-in-law of Misty; nephew, cousin, in-law, uncle and friend to scores more lucky folks. Andy adds a new title this year as grandfather of Emmett James!

Happily, Andy retired this year from his work at Kelley Blue Book as a senior editor. As it says in his KBB bio, "He’s been admiring wheeled conveyances since he was kid and has been writing about them professionally since his college days." Cars, motorcycles, bikes, etc. will always be a part of Andy's life, but now he has time to enjoy them for his own purposes.

Retirement has allowed him to take on life at a relaxed and enjoyable pace. We enjoyed a two-week trip to England and Ireland in March and Andy's garden is growing beautifully. He plans to harvest his potato crop on his birthday. A few pests keep him on his toes protecting the tomatoes, radishes, carrots, beans, peppers, potatoes and herbs.

Andy's genuine and constant curiosity draws him in to conversations with folks from all walks of life. Not only does this characteristic make for a gifted journalist, but also an excellent trivia partner! Music remains a big part of his life too--live, recorded or anyway he can get it.

Andy's faith is an inspiration and his work ethic a terrific example to others. Combine that with his lovely humility and you can understand why I fell in love with him instantly in 1987.

Happy Birthday, Andy-roo, and may you have 64 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

I love you, Patty

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