Saturday, September 14, 2024

Happy Birthday, Mickey!

Dear Hearts,

Mickey leads the cousin crew on the
surf of Lake Michigan.

September 14th is the birthday of Michael Levon Sullivan: son of John and Elizabeth; brother of Charlie; grandson of Mike and Joan; cousin of Caroline, Grace and June; nephew and buddy to many more. We all call him Mickey.

Mickey is a happy kid who shows authentic signs of serious musical talent. His latest musical endeavor is playing drums for the Hitchhikers, whose cover of Pasalaca can been enjoyed here. His brother, Charlie, is the lead singer and guitarist and they have a sweet recording studio set up in the basement, I believe.

Mickey is also a terrific swimmer and willing participant in whatever game is at hand. He is the spitting image of his Bampa (grandpa Mike) and has a smile that will charm anyone. 

Happy birthday, Mickey, and may you have 117 more healthy ones by your Grandma's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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