Saturday, November 30, 2019

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Dear Hearts,

November 30th is the 25th birthday of Andrew William Sebastian Bornhop, Jr., son of Patty and Andy, brother of John and Thomas, nephew, cousin and friend to many.

Andrew lives in San Diego these days and works as a sales rep for Merck Pharmaceutical. Whether he likes it or not, he makes quite an impression when he walks in a room--we think he's stopped growing at 6'7". When he comes home to visit, music comes too, as Andrew loves to play guitar (even though he's a lefty and we only have right-handed instruments in the house since he moved out).

After a childhood of playing baseball, basketball and soccer, he has taken up golf in the past few years and plays his brother John whenever possible. He is a loyal fan of the Green Bay Packers, Portland Trailblazers, Anaheim Angels (yes, ANAHEIM!) and Anaheim Ducks.

Andrew is intelligent, funny as heck, and maintains a strong sense of right and wrong. Over the years, we've called him Little A, A Dub, Drew, Toughie McDuffie. Granny nicknamed him "Nails," because he is as tough as nails.

So happy birthday, Andrew, and may you have 100 more healthy ones, by Aunt Joannie Sullivan's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Dear Hearts,

Today, November 29, is the birthday of Katherine Olivia Sullivan Huffman, daughter of Joan and Mike, sister of John, wife of Ryan, and mother of Caroline, Gracie and June.

Ever since she was a little girl, Kate has been strong, smart and talented. I have her on tape singing her little heart out in 1989, false vibrattos decorating every tune she sang. Today, she is hard-working educator at Serrano Middle School in the Ontario-Montclair School District, serving as an AVID Coordinator. The mission of AVID is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. Kate's program recently received a National Model Demonstration School designation through 2022!

Kate and Ryan have built a new home in Mt. Baldy and have brought beauty and joy into every corner, along with stuffed unicorns, sparkly dresses and hair accessories!

Happy Birthday, Katie O., and may you have 89 more healthy ones, by your own mother's, (Aunt Joannie Sullivan's), Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Happy Birthday, Oscar! Take 2

Dear Hearts,

This is an updated post for Oscar.

November 24th is the 13th birthday of Oscar Beare Sullivan, son of Mick and Mary, brother of Beatrice and Georgia and grandson of Jim and Bitsy and Nancy. Oscar's name in Gaelic means "friend of the deer."

Mick offered this about his first-born son. Every kid should hear their parent speak about them like this:

Oscar is a high honors student, super responsible mature guy who puts school first. He finishes his studies before he does any of his other many activities. Like clarinet. He is an awesome player and works hard at it. He wakes up early and practices before school. The notes float through the house and give everyone a most pleasant wake up call. He is not the type of guy to take a solo, but relishes playing his part in the band. Along those lines, you will not find him getting up in front of people at a party and singing a song, but there is no greater shower singer.

He runs (cross country) hard as hell--pukes when he's done. He's as fast as some of the older runners and won the Windmill award, which is basically the dude who hustles the most. He also loves playing soccer and is the ideal team player, unselfish.

When he was a tiny guy, Oscar claimed a little patch of land in the back yard as his farm. Each year, the plot has grown and his crops are more abundant. The food he grows tastes incredible. He loves to grow potatoes. Also carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, and more. He's preparing for next summer and has a small field plotted out.
A potato for Halloween 

Oscar is a scientist, historian, builder and engineer. His insatiable curiosity draws him to spend hours researching and creating all kinds of crazy, imaginative, remarkable projects. He is a gentle and mellow soul, quite shy. His sense of right and wrong is beyond his years.

So, happy birthday, Oscar, and may you have 112 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Oscar!

Oscar is the fella toward the left who
seems to be sneaking a treat to the hungry pup.
Dear Hearts,

November 24th is the 13th birthday of Oscar Beare Sullivan, son of Mick and Mary, brother of Beatrice and Georgia and grandson of Jim and Bitsy and Nancy. Oscar's name in Gaelic means "friend of the deer."

Oscar attends school at Mt. Zion Middle School and has taken to running in his extracurricular activity. A few months ago, he ran a two-mile race for his school team in 14:50! He's blessed with the intelligence and athletic prowess of both his momma and dad.

Happy Birthday, Oscar and may you have 112 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Happy Birthday, Maeve!

Dear Hearts,
Maeve, left, served beautifully as a flower girl.

November 21st is the 6th birthday of Maeve Rosemary Sullivan, daughter of Miles and Sarah, sister of James Patrick Sullivan IV, granddaughter of Jim and Bitsy and Nancy Nau Sullivan.

Maeve is a perfect blend of her mother and father, as well as a dutiful and loving big sister. She's amazingly articulate and creative and her sense of humor is wonderful!

She has her grandpa Sully like jelly in the palm of her hand, and holds him to a high standard for behavior.  "You nevo, evvo listen to Gwandma Bitsy," Maeve admonished Grandpa Sully one day. "And you nevo, evvo listen to me, and you put that whole cupcake in your mouf at the same time!" Preach, baby girl.

Happy Birthday, Maeve Rosemary, and may you have 119 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Happy Birthday, Jack!

Dear Hearts,

November 20th is the 17th birthday of Jack Falconer Sullivan, the son of Paul and Stephanie, brother of Hannah, Emma, Liam, Callum and Ewan Sullivan. 

Jack is an upperclassman at Bourgade Catholic High School in Phoenix and surprised his mom by joining the varsity football team. He's a natural athlete, but I think years of rough housing with his siblings and cousins is paying off--Jack is terrific as a defensive end. He is quiet, kind, strong and sure. You want Jack on your side always.

Happy Birthday, Jack, and may you have 108 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

His height alone is a great athletic advantage, but his vertical adds
a whole new dimension to Jack's value on the field!

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Dear Hearts,

November 20th is the birthday of Katherine Honore Merwin, daughter of Mary Fran and Gary, mother of Ava  and Henry, sister of Joe, Luke and Maggie, wife of Will Babbington, and step mom to Emma and Mia.

Kate continues to impress us with her grace, intelligence, strength and incredible sense of humor.

Professionally, she works at the corporate level in wellness and communications for Medtronic in Minneapolis, where she and Will have purchased a new home. Kate, in much the same fashion as her mom, has created a gorgeous, warm and comfy home for her sweet blended family.

She recently discovered the owner of a home in her neighborhood--a French chateau style home with beautiful gardens that Kate has been admiring since they moved there--is named Mary Claire! The style of her mom and the name of her grandmother--Kate is surrounded by angels.

Happy Birthday, my Kate, and may you have 83 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Happy Birthday, Norbert

Dear Hearts,

November 19th is the birthday of Norbert Wiley, son of Norbert and Anna, nephew of Irv, and cousin of Mary Claire and Helen. We all knew him as Nobby from Mom's stories.

Norbert is a sociologist, writer, philosopher and self-proclaimed hippy. Born in 1932, Nobby has rich memories of time spent with the greater Wiley family back of the yards on the Southside of Chicago.

Among other professional accomplishments, Nobby has served as Professor Emeritus of Sociology at University of Illinois, Urbana, received a PhD in Sociology from Michigan State, has had four books published, and recently won a Lifetime Achievement Award from Michigan State.

He is retired and living what seems to be a beautiful life with his wife in coastal northern California.

Happy Birthday, Nobby, and may you have 38 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Nanny

Dear Hearts,

Nanny with her daughter, Marie Frances
November 19th is the 143rd anniversary of the birth of our great grandmother, great-great-grandmother, and great-great-great grandmother, Katherine Honore Moloney Sheehan, known as Nanny. She was born in the townland of Lisluinaghan, Kilkee, County Clare in 1876, and died in Chicago on February 24th, 1948 at the age of 71.

It is Nanny who gave us the phrase, "God bless us and save us and keep us from harm." And I'm sure our--my sisters, female cousins and my--collective obsession with table linens, curtains and porcelain china come through Boom, Helen and Mary Claire from Nanny.

Happy birthday to our dear great-grandmother, Catherine Honore Moloney Sheehan, our Nanny. Please watch over us until we meet again.
God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


From Jim, because his research and memories are too rich and valuable to omit:

The mitochondrial DNA we know about goes from Mary Murray Fitzgerald to Mary Fitzgerald Moloney to Catherine Moloney Sheehan to Marie Frances Sheehan Wiley to Mary Clare Wiley Sullivan to Mary Frances Sullivan Merwin to Catherine Honore Merwin Hareid to Ava Noelle Hareid. Nine generations! All the sons get it, but can not pass it on, because it is in the egg.

Nanny was born to Mary Fitzgerald Moloney and James William Moloney, on the Moloney farm in County Clare, in the townland of Lisluinaghan, outside the town of Kilkee, on the west coast of Ireland.The Catholic parish is St. Sennen's, the administrative parish is Kilfearagh. In the old days, the barony was Moyarta, and the Poor Law Union was Kilrush.

This land is known as the Corca Baiscinn Peninsula, it is of ancient Spanish heritage, the most westerly part of Ireland. It is dramatically haunted by many spirits, including the Cailin Baen (Colleen Bawn, the Fair-skinned Girl) who was drowned right off the coast. The beach at Kilkee is one of the most popular resort beaches in Europe, with its sheltered cove and its diving pools, the famed "pollock holes."

She was born on a little, 10 acre farm, filled now with only Alfie Marinan's cows, a tumbled down, or "knocked" milking shed made of flat fieldstones, and an ancient "lios" (lish), meaning a ring of compacted earth, fieldstone, bramble and wind-blown seeded heather, where the people would shelter the herd in a storm, or withdraw to in defense against the Viking raids.

I crawled in there--it's about as big as 1/2 a basketball court, completely overgrown, dark and mysterious. The stories go that there is stuff in there from thousands of years ago- artifacts, bones, and the like. It was scary and I only got so far in and had to back my way out. Too many thorns and sticks. Plus, I think there were some monsters and banshees in there, too. Not to mention oan seacs and ahmidans. When I was there, all five times, I kissed the ground and ate a bit of the grass, a bit of the mud, on behalf of all of us. I walked into the midst of the herd and loved the cows for a moment. I peed in a far corner of the field, leaving a bit of my DNA there. I hid an American penny between two of the flat stones of the fence.

Her brother, Maurice, lived there, tending the cows, until the '70's. He was in his nineties. He was an honored military veteran of the Old IRA. He is buried on top of his brother, James, Jimineen, said to have the finest golf swing in Clare. The guy who opened the grave and tossed Maurice in is Nicholas Fitzpatrick, Maurice's neighbor, who had a cup of tea each evening with Maurice in his kitchen. I met him and he told me I looked exactly like Maurice and he thought I was the ghost of Maurice come back. He said, "You are the dead spit of Maurice Moloney!!"

Nanny loved Maurice and spoke often of him.

She left Clare as a very young woman to come here. There is another family story that happened about 25 years ago on Mt. Baldy.

Mary Claire and Margy and Lizzie (that's grandmother, mother and daughter of the same mitochondrial DNA) got run off the road by a drunk and tumbled over the edge and landed below, car upright but banged up. Granny had broken ribs and bruises, Margy was knocked around, and Lizzy was on the back seat, not breathing, unbeknownst to her mother and grandmother, who were a bit shocky.

An elderly Irish woman with her hair in a bun and a thick Irish brogue touched Margy on the shoulder and said, "Look to the baby."

Margy immediately checked Lizzie, found her not breathing and pressed on her chest and revived her, and Lizzie was ok. Margy turned around to thank the woman, who had gone away. Margy asked, "Anyone see that Irish woman who was just here?" Everyone said, "What Irish woman?"

Margy said she knew who it was.

Kate embodied the Irish-American experience of "cruel exile, transportation," and the sadness and longing for her mother and her family and her Ireland, that she never saw again. She made the best of it, with her beautiful face and her perfect diction and grammar. She was very small and petite, but would not be bullied. And she was a devout believer in her Catholic faith, devoted to Christ and His Blessed Mother.

She took Boom Boom aside and told her, "Stay away from those Irish boys. Look at those Polish Wilkosczewski boys, with their shiny shoes and combed hair. One of them for you." And of course, Boom Boom did as her mother suggested and there was started the famous team of Boom and Boompa, Irv Wiley. Largely thanks to Nanny.

Her last years were marred by a stroke, but she did her best, like she always did, and set the example. She was the best possible kind of mother, to all of us.

She sang "Shule Aroon" to Boom Boom who sang it to us. Nanny was beloved by all who knew her.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Happy Birthday, Maximilian!

Dear Hearts,

I apologize for my tardiness.

November 15 is the birthday of Maximilian Charles Sullivan, son of Mike and Shelley, and brother of Jake, Seamus, Mia, Augustine, Sofia and Penelope. Max has packed a lot into his first year on earth--travelling, sleeping, eating and laughing. And he's experienced everything in the warm hugs and loving care of his parents and six siblings.

A picture is worth a thousand words and if your momma is as good a photographer as Shelley, than you get a novel! So, dear hearts, I offer a brief photo display of sweet Max.

Happy birthday, sweet Max, and may you have 124 more healthy birthdays, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Axl Rose (Halloween)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Happy Birthday, June!

Dear Hearts,

November 13th is the birthday of June Elizabeth Frances Huffman, daughter of Katie O and Ryan, and sister of Caroline and Grace. Junie is two years old!

She is incredibly resilient and keeps up in every way with her big sisters--dancing, singing, running, swimming and scootering. Her favorite color is "lello," and when asked, "Junie, are you a big girl?" she replies, "No! I mermaid!"

Happy birthday, sweet girl, and may you 123 more healthy ones, by your Grandma's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save keep us and keep us from harm.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Happy Golden Birthday, John Naime!

Dear Hearts,

November 12th is the 12th birthday of John Naime Herrington--son of Phillip and Darlene Ella, and brother of Darlene, Joseph, Ruth, James Anna and Agnes. This is his golden birthday!

John is the third oldest of seven and lives nearby and goes to school with a dozen or so cousins. He can hold his own in any situation.

Happy birthday, John, and may you have 113 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


God Bless Mary Fran

Mary Fran sitting with Lefty aka Boompa Sullivan
November 12th is the birthday of Mary Frances Patricia Sullivan Merwin--daughter of Big Sully and Mary Claire; mother of Joseph Benedict, Katherine Honore, Luke Sullivan and Margaret Caroline; wife of Gary; grandmother of Ava, Henry , Elianah and Francesca; sister of Jim, John, Mike, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margy and Patty; aunt and cousin of a big bunch, friend and trusted associate of hundreds.
Mary Fran was the first principal of Fond du Lac High School. She ran the state's largest school (by area) with amazing grace, acting as a surrogate mother to countless immigrant, impoverished, neglected or troubled kids. Parents, coworkers, counselors and students still speak of her non-stop love and encouragement for everybody around her.

She was a master of the French language, an excellent classroom teacher, a gifted seamstress, a fantastic cook, and a wonderful wife and mom. I am so grateful to have her as a role model in so many aspects of life.
Someone met her match!
MF & Boom, Seattle 1962

Mary Fran fought brain cancer ferociously and, in the end, accepted her final days with incredible grace and courage. We, her pack, her dear hearts, are lucky to have had her for over 60 years. Happy Birthday in heaven, beloved sister.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Monday, November 11, 2019

God Bless Our Veterans

Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his or her country's cause.


God Bless Pat Nau!

Dear Hearts,

November 11 is the birthday of Patricia Nau, wife of Mike, mother of Nancy Nau Sullivan and her siblings, Gammy to Jim, Mick, Amos, Miles and Franny (among lots of others), and Great Gammy to even more.

She is Mrs. Nau to me, and the memories I have of her always involved happiness. She had the best voice and an even better laugh! Her home was the coolest (the wallpaper in the bathroom under the stairs!) and she was the light of so many people's lives. Especially Old Scrapiron's.

She was also a very dear friend to my mom, Mary Claire. They were two peas in a pod. Happy birthday in heaven, Mrs. Nau.

God bless us, and save us, and keep us from harm.


Sunday, November 10, 2019

God Bless John Jeremiah

Dear Hearts,
One of my favorite photos of Arizona cousins.

November 10th is the birthday of John Jeremiah Sullivan II, oldest son of Bob and Darlene, brother of Jim, Bobby, Paul, Tim, Mike, Mary, Margaret, Ella and Peter.

John died in a pedestrian car accident in February of 1980 when he was just 11 years old. He would have been 51 today, imagine that! I'm confident that at this stage in life John would have done such good in this world. I remember him as very sweet and super smiley, with sparkly eyes and freckled cheeks. I see his face in so many of his siblings and their children today!

Years ago, Uncle Bob dreamed that John was playing on a swing-set. Bob said, "When are you coming home?" John said, "Dad, I am home." What a gift. John is buried right next to his dad and grandma (Booma/Mom).

We love him and miss him. So, please look after us John Jeremiah, with Lefty and Booma/Mom, the Aunties, your Uncle and Dad, Mary Fran and the Veterans, and The Ancestors.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!

Dear Hearts,

November 10th is the birthday of Elizabeth Monti Sullivan, wife of John Paul, mother of Charlie Arman and Michael Levon "Mickey," and daughter-in-law of Joan and Mike.

Elizabeth is a gifted young woman--she is a Patient Recruitment Manager with Merck (one of several Merck employees in this family!), sings like an angel, speaks Spanish and is a loving wife and mom to her boys.

So, happy birthday dear Elizabeth, and may you have 92 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Happy Birthday, PJ!

Dear Hearts,

November 2nd is the 15th birthday of Paul Joseph Lewis, Jr., son of Paul, Sr. and Margaret Sullivan Lewis, and brother of Mary Ella, Robert Mitchel, William and Timothy Lewis. He is a perfect mix of his parents--as good-looking as his beautiful Mama and as strong and true as his Dad.

He has moved on to high school this year, along with a few of his cousins, pictured here.

Happy Birthday, PJ, and may you have 110 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.
