Thursday, November 21, 2019

Happy Birthday, Maeve!

Dear Hearts,
Maeve, left, served beautifully as a flower girl.

November 21st is the 6th birthday of Maeve Rosemary Sullivan, daughter of Miles and Sarah, sister of James Patrick Sullivan IV, granddaughter of Jim and Bitsy and Nancy Nau Sullivan.

Maeve is a perfect blend of her mother and father, as well as a dutiful and loving big sister. She's amazingly articulate and creative and her sense of humor is wonderful!

She has her grandpa Sully like jelly in the palm of her hand, and holds him to a high standard for behavior.  "You nevo, evvo listen to Gwandma Bitsy," Maeve admonished Grandpa Sully one day. "And you nevo, evvo listen to me, and you put that whole cupcake in your mouf at the same time!" Preach, baby girl.

Happy Birthday, Maeve Rosemary, and may you have 119 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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