Sunday, November 24, 2019

Happy Birthday, Oscar! Take 2

Dear Hearts,

This is an updated post for Oscar.

November 24th is the 13th birthday of Oscar Beare Sullivan, son of Mick and Mary, brother of Beatrice and Georgia and grandson of Jim and Bitsy and Nancy. Oscar's name in Gaelic means "friend of the deer."

Mick offered this about his first-born son. Every kid should hear their parent speak about them like this:

Oscar is a high honors student, super responsible mature guy who puts school first. He finishes his studies before he does any of his other many activities. Like clarinet. He is an awesome player and works hard at it. He wakes up early and practices before school. The notes float through the house and give everyone a most pleasant wake up call. He is not the type of guy to take a solo, but relishes playing his part in the band. Along those lines, you will not find him getting up in front of people at a party and singing a song, but there is no greater shower singer.

He runs (cross country) hard as hell--pukes when he's done. He's as fast as some of the older runners and won the Windmill award, which is basically the dude who hustles the most. He also loves playing soccer and is the ideal team player, unselfish.

When he was a tiny guy, Oscar claimed a little patch of land in the back yard as his farm. Each year, the plot has grown and his crops are more abundant. The food he grows tastes incredible. He loves to grow potatoes. Also carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, and more. He's preparing for next summer and has a small field plotted out.
A potato for Halloween 

Oscar is a scientist, historian, builder and engineer. His insatiable curiosity draws him to spend hours researching and creating all kinds of crazy, imaginative, remarkable projects. He is a gentle and mellow soul, quite shy. His sense of right and wrong is beyond his years.

So, happy birthday, Oscar, and may you have 112 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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