Friday, January 17, 2020

Happy Birthday, Brian!

Dear Hearts,

January 17th is the 61st birthday of Brian Eugene Glick, husband of Margaret, father of Daniel and Elizabeth, grandfather of Levi, Amos and soon-to-be born #3, son of Dawn and Jack, brother of Betsy and Brenda, in-law, uncle, cousin and friend to scores of others. Today, he is best known as Yaya, Levi and Amos' name for their grandpa.

Brian is a true renaissance man. The range of his abilities in myriad disciplines is amazing--engineering, accounting/finance, parenting, motorcycle riding, earth-moving equipment, home maintenance, travel, technology, fire fighting, business management, grandparenting. He's a terrific and thoughtful conversationalist. He reads, listens, engages, relaxes and works smart and hard. What's even cooler is that he can do a lot of this with a grandchild in tow, and help them understand whatever task they are facing!

Last year, Margaret made this comment on Brian's birthday, and I completely agree with the sentiment: "The guy who leaves things better than he finds them; be it a motorcycle, a home, a relationship. The world’s a better place with him in it."

He has supported many of us in various ways: Big Sully, when he handed over tax prep (Thank God! Life was miserable every year when Dad took over the entire dining room table and demanded complete silence in the house for two straight weeks while he prepared his tax return!); Mom, when she needed financial guidance from the time Dad died to her own death (1990-2011); Margaret, when she established her consulting business; several of us in our yearly tax prep and financial planning, and so much more.

I have benefitted enormously from Brian's intelligence and goodwill. From the purchase of my first car in 1984, and learning how to drive a stick shift, to rescuing me from the side of various roads and expecting me take part in fixing my car, to teaching me how to become an independent contractor with a consulting service, Brian has taught me a great deal. Enough that I forgave him years ago for taking Margaret away from me.😉

Back in 1982, Brian showed up at lunch time to the house on Vallejo. He headed to the backyard where Dad was probably tending to his rock garden. Later, I recall Dad saying he knew exactly why Brian had come--to ask for his and mom's blessing to marry Margaret. Dad said he wanted so badly to say no, as Margaret was only 19. He could not, however, come up with a reason to withhold his approval. Big Sully thought the world of Brian and knew this was a good thing.

So, happy birthday, Brian, and may you have 64 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Longevity Aspiration Protocol of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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