Sunday, January 5, 2020

Welcome Inez & Silas!

Dear Hearts,

The new year is proving to be full of goodness with the arrival of two new family members!

On January 2, 2020, we welcomed to the world Inez Everly Hanjani, daughter of Maggie and Kameron Hanjani, sister of Francesca, granddaughter of Mary Fran, Gary, Julie and Ali, niece, cousin and friend to scores more. According to Maggie, who is doing quite well, "She is pure, squishy, cuddly love."

On January 3, 2020, we welcomed to the world Silas Miles Henry Sullivan, son of Miles and Sarah Sullivan, sister of Maeve and James, granddaughter of Jim, Bitsy and Nancy, nephew, cousin and friend to score more. Jim says Silas is a strong redhead and he and mama are doing great.

As we take stock in these beautiful blessings and celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, let's recall a prayer Jim sent out at Christmas in previous years and one that I unfortunately overlooked this year. This is a prayer Boompa always would pray, about the poor and hungry and homeless, and about his big circle of family and friends, and I offer up this prayer in Boompa’s place, for the family, and by that I mean all of the Dear Hearts, and all of theirs:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Please, God, spread your care over the poor, cold, hungry and lonely, those sick or
imprisoned or without home or shelter.
Please, God, bring home all our troops safe, and all the troops of
all the peoples of all the world, safe home from war, even the enemy.
Thank you, God for all we have, life and love and opportunity.
Thank you, God for the new little babies you have sent us.
Hold us all in Your Big Hand and close to Your Sacred Heart.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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