Friday, May 1, 2020

Happy Birthday, Jeremiah!

Dear Hearts,

May 2nd is the birthday of Jeremiah Mitchel Sullivan, son of Bobby and Nicole; brother of Ella, Thomas and Patrick; nephew, cousin and friend to many, many more. Jeremiah carries the name of our ancestor, Jeremiah O'Sullivan (Lefty's dad), who was the first of our Y-chromosome to reach these shores in about 1868.

Miah has grown up on us! It seems like just last year we saw him under the Friday night lights playing football for St. Mary's HS in Phoenix. In the blink of an eye he began his studies at the University of Dallas, where he played rugby, served as the team's social chair, spent a semester studying in Rome, volunteered for Americans for Prosperity, and graduated cum laude in the spring of 2019. 

Today, Jeremiah works in Washington D.C. as an administrative officer and database coordinator at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. The non-profit's mission states that Becket exists to defend the free exercise of all faiths, from Anglican to Zoroastrian, and that is it the only law firm that defends all religious beliefs. I think Becket is lucky to have Jeremiah and Miah has found a great start to his career!

Happy birthday, Miah, and may you have 101 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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