Wednesday, April 29, 2020

God Bless Kate

Dear Hearts,

April 30th is the 221st anniversary of the birth of Kate Nowierska, who was married to Major Anthony Gorczynski, a Polish cavalry officer in Napoleon's Army. One of their children was Romualda Gorczynska, who married Edward Zygmunt Wilkoszewski and had 20 children, only 9 of whom lived very long. One of them was Alfred Wiley, known as Snaz, who was Boompa's father.

So, Kate is my great-great-great-grandmother, and great-great-great-great-great grandmother to the youngest generation of our family today. She died in Poland on July 29, 1891 at the age of 92! Thank you for the genes, Grandma Katerina Nowierska--especially the gene of long life. Please watch over us all.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Seamus the Older.

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