Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, Gracie!

Dear Hearts,
Smiley Grace and Giggly June

June 7th is the birthday of Grace Vaucher Huffman: daughter of Kate and Ryan; sister of Caroline and June; granddaughter of Mike and Joan Sullivan and Mike and Susan Huffman; niece, cousin and friend to a whole bunch of lucky people. She has the most adorable curly hair I've ever seen!

She is a force of athleticism in the pool, the soccer field and the driveway, and will make quick work of scoring goals on a team whose players are two or three years older than Grace. She has recently learned about Killer Whales and is enamored with them.

She loves her two sisters fiercely and can make them laugh better than anyone. Gracie is strong, sure, patient, curious and smart. Watching her swim and play at her birthday party last weekend was a complete joy.

Happy birthday Gracie, and may you have 120 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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