Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Happy Birthday, Randy!

Dear Hearts,

June 3rd is the birthday of Randy Flores: son of Kim and Big Randy; brother of Corey and Katie; husband of Lizzy; father of Levi, Amos and Maggie; son-in-law to Margaret and Brian; uncle, nephew, cousin and friend to many, many more. Randy is still one of the nicest guys I know.

Professionally, Randy is a field technician for Siemens, the company that provides services in power generation, transmission and distribution to communities throughout the world. Randy is out in the field in So. Cal. everyday trouble shooting, repairing and modifying various aspects of our infrastructure that we all take for granted, like street lights and traffic signals.

He's also a talented craftsman in carpentry and construction. Currently, Randy is handling the demolition of the Flores' kitchen and living areas for a major remodel. He'd take on the whole job if he had eight more hours in a day!

And when he leaves the homestead, he usually has one or two boys in tow. Levi and Amos enjoy some really cool excursions thanks to Randy: hunting, fishing, surfing, hiking, cutting trail and dirt biking. Maggie has him securely wrapped and tied in a knot around her little finger, and he's the first to say so. She'll join Randy and her brothers in future adventures and probably run the whole show!

Happy Birthday, Randy, and may you have 87 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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