Monday, October 25, 2021

Happy Birthday, Elianah!

Dear Hearts,

October 26th is the birthday of Elianah Merwin: daughter of Joe and Sondra; granddaughter of Mary Fran and Gary; cousin of Ava, Henry, Francesca and Inez, sister, niece and friend to many more.

Elianah is growing up to be a beautiful, smart and talented young lady. Outside of school--where she is receiving almost all A's on her report card--she has shifted her athletic pursuits from gymnastics to fencing. Eli reports that it's "not that hard!" Likewise, she has discovered a new musical instrument with the saxophone! Her artistry is diverse, as Elianah enjoys drawing and us currently redecorating her bedroom.

Anne found a very fun waterpark companion in Eli on their last visit, and Auntie Anne was amazed at how this brave young woman leapt down "the scariest waterpark slide I've ever seen," not just once, but three times! It's called the Hydro Halfpipe and is 35 feet high with a very steep drop.

When she sets her mind to it, she will overcome whatever challenge is placed in her path. Yet, with all that strength, Elianah continues to be a bountiful source of kindness and beauty to the world. And her sense of humor is divine!

Happy Birthday, sweet Eli, and may you have 113 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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