Monday, October 4, 2021

Happy Birthday, Lizzy!

Dear Hearts,

October 5th is the birthday of Elizabeth Glick Flores: daughter of Margaret and Brian; sister of Daniel and Amanda; wife of Randy; mama of Levi, Amos and Maggie; in-law, niece, cousin and friend to many more.

Professionally, Lizzy has taken on new challenges, working full time from home as an education specialist for Great Minds, a company that develops curriculum and instructional materials in various subjects. 

She and Randy are in the thick of a major house renovation right now, and with three little ones, we all know that is a challenging endeavor. It's fun to anticipate how Lizzy will transform Randy's impressive work (framing, flooring, cabinetry, etc.) into a beautiful, warm space in the coming months.

Happy birthday, Lizzy, and may you have 88 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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