Sunday, January 30, 2022

God Bless Matty

Dear Hearts,

January 31st is the 38th anniversary of the birth of Matthew Wiley Sullivan, Jr.: son of Matt and Wendy; stepson of Lisa; brother of Henry and Georgia; father of Averee; nephew, cousin and friend to a whole bunch more.

We lost Matty in October of 2020. He had moved back to L.A. to begin building a new life. Indeed, he was doing just that--reconnecting with family, joining the workforce and moving toward an independent life--when he was hit by a truck while riding his bike home from work.

He was refreshingly honest about the five or so years he spent at Folsom State Prison. Through his letters and in-person conversation, I was always impressed by his ability to communicate. I learned so much from our conversations.

It was always so endearing to hear him speak of his beautiful daughter, Averee. She inspired him immensely.

God bless you, Matty. We miss you and pray you are enjoying eternal life with your family and friends in heaven. Check in with us now and again and let us know you're watching over us.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Aunt Patty

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