Sunday, January 23, 2022

Prayer Request

Dear Hearts,

Please take a few minutes to offer up a prayer for a dear friend and comrade of Jim's (Seamus the Older).

Kurt Reineke is, at this minute, in a hospital in Las Vegas with double pneumonia and Covid-19. His wife and children are nearby in support, but since Kurt has been placed on a ventilator it is impossible for them to speak together. He has coded and was revived.

Kurt, a member of the West Point Class of 1970, served our country honorably in ways that cannot be described. Literally--classified work of the highest kind. He just turned 74 on January 20, Big Sully's birthday. 

Jim calls Kurt his right-hand man as Kurt is the chairman of the class Consesus Comittee and served as Jim's campaign manager in Jim's bid for class president. 

Kurt is loyal, loving, quiet and brave as a lion. Today he needs our help. Let's raise him up in prayer to help bear the burden and ease the pain of our Dear Heart. I offer this prayer through the intercession of St. Bernadine, the patron of all who suffer respiratory illness:

Jesus, Name full of glory, grace, love and strength!
You are the refuge of those who repent,
our banner of warfare in this life,
the medicine of souls,
the comfort of those who mourn,
the delight of those who believe,
the light of those who preach the true faith,
the wages of those who toil,
the healing of the sick.
To You our devotion aspires;
by You our prayers are received;
we delight in contemplating You.
O Name of Jesus, You are the glory of all the saints for eternity.
St. Bernardine Pray for us! 

Thank you all.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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