Saturday, November 19, 2022

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Dear Hearts,

November 20th is the birthday of Katherine Honore Merwin: daughter of Mary Fran and Gary; mother of Ava and Henry; sister of Joe, Luke and Maggie; wife of Will Babbington; step mom to Emma and Mia; niece, cousin and friend to many more folks.

While Kate continues to nurture, entertain, enjoy and work for her beautiful family in Minneapolis, she and Will have blended their clans seamlessly and continue their togetherness, support, love and fun for each other between their homes in Minnesota and Colorado. Lately, though, she has escaped to fascinating places through work and personal vacations: Mexico, Germany and fun trips in the U.S.

Kate recently changed her professional position and started with a new company, now working as the Head of Communications, North America and Global Interventional Urology at Coloplast. Her work requires a blend of powerful skills in vital disciplines: healthcare/wellness and communications. The company is lucky to have such a compassionate and skilled woman.

As the years progress, I'm amazed at how much of her mama comes through Kate's face, mannerisms and behavior. We still have MF among us!

Happy Birthday, Kate, and may you have 80 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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