Sunday, November 27, 2022

Happy Birthday, Katie O!

Dear Hearts,

November 29th is the birthday of Katherine Olivia Sullivan Huffman: daughter of Joan and Mike; sister of John; wife of Ryan; mother of Caroline, Gracie and June; cousin, niece and friend to many more lucky folks.

Kate continues her work in education much closer to home these days. She is the new Principal of Mt. Baldy School (K-8), as well as the superintendent of this one-school district. She loves her new role and has brought a wonderfully fresh and productive energy to the community. The best part is that all three of her daughters are at the school with her in TK, first grade and third grade!

At home, she and Ryan have created a creative and comfy home where they all enjoy baking, scootering, gardening, painting, reading, singing and dancing through their days. 

Happy Birthday, Katie O., and may you have 86 more healthy ones, by your own mother's, (Aunt Joannie Sullivan's), Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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