Thursday, March 9, 2023

Happy Birthday, Malachy!

Dear Hearts,

Malachy gets a smooch
from Brodie,
grandchild #10
March 10th is the birthday of Malachy Patrick Daly: husband to Anne; father of Peter, Brid, Malachy Jr., Tina and Sarah; stepfather of Claire and Willis; grandfather to a crew of little ones back in Ireland; brother-in-law, uncle and friend to all of us.

Malachy was born in The Republic of Ireland where, as an adult, he worked as a police officer in The Guard in Sligo. According to The Sligo Champion, Malachy was a popular officer who could have retired five years earlier but stayed on because he loved the job so much. No surprise, then, that he was bestowed the Divisional Merit Award from the Commissioner. "Garda Daly works tirelessly in improving the quality of life of all the people that he comes in contact with in the course of his duty. Malachy is very well liked and respected by the community," his citation read.

He was glad to back over to Ireland after the pandemic, having been away from his children and grandchildren for so long. As a grandpa of ten, he has lots of love and hugs from his little ones.

Happy Birthday, Mal, and may you have 48 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

Love, Patty

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