Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Happy Birthday, Thomas!

Dear Hearts,

March 14th is the birthday of Thomas Emmett Bornhop: son of Patty and Andy; brother of John and Andrew; brother-in-law to Misty; nephew, cousin and friend to lots more. He shares a birthday with Albert Einstein!

Thomas lives in Orange, sharing a 1926 house in Old Town with his cousin Patrick. He is a self-taught musician, playing acoustic and electric guitar and mandolin, as well as a little keyboard in his spare time. During the pandemic he took up swimming regularly--at the gym and in the ocean--and made some friends who encouraged him to look into lifeguarding.

Well, he did just that and now works as an ocean lifeguard in Laguna Beach. This role is often a part-time seasonal job for many who are in college and working only in the summer. Thomas, having graduated from college and with some work experience under his belt, has been retained in the off season as one of the skeleton crew watching over the beaches in winter. He's also become a Tide Pool Educator, walking on rocks/pools to help the public learn more about the exposed ecosystem on which they are treading.

He's in his element, for sure. And when he's off the beach, Thomas and his girlfriend Tiffany enjoy time together playing music, cooking and hanging out.

So, happy birthday, T-Bone, and may you have 98 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Mom

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