Wednesday, August 7, 2024

God Bless Mom/Booma

Dear Hearts,

August 8th is the anniversary of the death of our grandmother who we called Booma or Mom. Anna Mildred Conick Sullivan, wife of Lefty, mother of Big Sully, Uncle Bob, Aunt Anna Rita, Aunt Margaret. The branch springing from Jim called her Booma, and the branch springing from Bob called her Mom. She was 85 in 1979 when she died, and she's buried between Uncle Bob and her grandson, John Jeremiah.

Booma lived with the Aunties, right next door to Uncle Bob, Aunt Darlene and their ten kids in Phoenix. She was lovely and gentle and smelled of talcum powder. History shows, however, she was also intelligent and strong.

Early in her marriage, Booma and Lefty lost four babies, two of whom only took a few breaths, one who lived a month (John Jeremiah, Jr.) and one who only lived an hour (James Patrick.) While our Dad was at war, she received three telegrams from the War Department saying her son's plane had been hit and was seen going down.

Booma used to make private moments with each of her grandchildren, washing their hands and faces, asking them about school and baseball. She loved baseball, but would not allow anyone to go to Cubs park, and she hated Comiskey for the way he had treated Lefty and the other White Sox players. She was also an excellent bridge player.

Booma was a classic, and the love affair between her and Lefty was beautiful. He was her "Sully." Happy Birthday, Booma, Mom, Anna, and please look out for us all, and lend us your strong heart.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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