Friday, February 28, 2020

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Dear Hearts,

February 29th is the birthday of Jim Clark, husband of Lisa Whalen Clark and father of Johanna Frances Clark. Professionally, Jim is an experienced salesman in the security industry. Personally, his interests are diverse and rich--sports, cooking, golf, family, travel and enjoying the relaxing hot tub and cabana he and Lisa have installed in their backyard in Seattle.

Happy Birthday, Jim, and may you have 65 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Happy Birthday, Tim!

Dear Hearts,

February 28th is the 46th birthday of Timothy Aristotle Sullivan, son of Bob and Darlene, brother of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Mike, Pete, and Sister John Mary, and Margaret and Ella; husband of Maureen; father of Gabriella, Brynn and Andrew; uncle, cousin and friend of scores more.

Tim and Maureen moved the family to Huntington Beach, California, a few years ago and those of us in So. Cal. are so glad to have them nearby. Tim is getting to know the state well as a regional manager in the Hospitals division at Merck.

Tim is probably the best dancer in the family as well as a phenomenal natural athlete. Last summer at his nephew John's wedding reception, Tim (looking an awful lot like Pitbull!) led a few dozen nieces and nephews on the dance floor. He is named after Jeremiah's father, Big Tim Sullivan of Mahoonagh Parish, County Limerick, reputed to be the strongest man in Ireland before the famine, around 1845.

Tim will try just about anything physical and usually succeed. He'll also wolf down a mountain of sweet treats when you're not looking, so hide the Skittles! I've watched him make instant friends on the beach with six-year-old children, and relate to octogenarians with terrific love and respect, no matter their lot in life. He serves as a wonderful example of compassion and kindness and we are lucky to call him our own. 

As Jim has said, there is something so deeply, soundly, fundamentally good about Tim, that his goodness and the innocence of his heart shine straight out, and influence everyone around him. He has had his moments, like all of us, but there is a reservoir of strength and peace in him, like his brave father, that lifts and carries the family, time and again.

Happy birthday, Tim, and may you have 79 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

God Bless John Jeremiah!

Dear Hearts,

February 27, 1980 is John Jeremiah's last day. He was 11 years old when he was hit by a car in Phoenix.

On that day, Aunt Darlene and Uncle Bob gathered enough courage for the entire family, miraculously. The man who accidentally struck John never really got over it, and wept in the embrace of Bob and Darlene for many years afterward.

The siblings were struck with a wound of fierce pain. The cousins have tasted it, too. One year, Bob dreamed that his first-born son John was playing on a swing-set. Bob said, "When are you coming home?" John said, "Dad, I am home."

John, who would have been 51, is buried with Uncle Bob and Booma/Mom.

There are 13 John's in the family, 4 of them John Jeremiah's: John Jeremiah I was Lefty; John Jeremiah Jr. was Lefty's son, who only lived a few months; John Jeremiah II was Bob and Darlene's son, who lived 11 years. There is another John Jeremiah, and he starts the numbers over--he is the first, and maybe someday he will be Senior, and he is Pete's and Melody's son.

The other nine John's are John Joseph Whalen, patriarch of the Whalen; John William Sheehan, Boom Boom's father; Big Sully and Mary Claire's son, John Vincent Sullivan; Big Ange and Patty's son John Sullivan Bornhop; Pete and Melody's son, John Naime Herrington; Seamus the Younger and Erin's son, John Robert Sullivan; Mike and Joan's son, John Paul Sullivan; John Davis; and Dr. John Ullmen. We've got a full complement of Johns!

So, please look after us John Jeremiah, with Lefty and Booma/Mom, the Aunties and your Dad Uncle Bob, Big Sully, Mary Claire, Mary Fran, Boom Boom and Boompa, and The Ancestors.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Penelope!

Dear Hearts,
Penelope dressed as Madaleine for Halloween 2019

February 27th is the 7th birthday of Penelope Antoinette Sullivan, the youngest daughter of Mike and Shelly Sullivan; sister of Jake, Mia, Seanus, Gus, Sophia and Max; cousin to a few dozen, niece, granddaughter and friend to many more.

It's been a few years since I've spent time with little Nelly but I'm confident she is the same sweet girl who is wonderfully curious, carefree and happy. When she climbed into my lap at the suggestion of reading a book together, my heart melted and I would've given her anything she wanted at that point.

So, happy birthday, sweet Nelly, and may you have 118 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Antonina

Dear Hearts,

February 26th is the 183rd anniversary of the birth of Antonina Grabska, wife of Josef Zinn; mother of Boompa's mom, Wanda, among other children.

 She was born in 1837 in the Grand Duchy of Posen, part of ancient Poland, and she died in Chicago on February 28, 1909. Boompa, her grandson, was just 4 years old. So Antonina was my great-great-grandmother.

Thank you, Grandma Antonina, for Boompa, and for being our Ancestor. Please watch over us all from your place near God.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy Birthday, Nancy!

Dear Hearts,

February 26th is the birthday of Nancy Nau Sullivan, mother of Jim, Mick, Miles, Amos and Franny; sister to Patsy, Janet, Liz, Nick, Felix and Peter; Aunt, cousin and friend to dozens more.

Nancy has recently completed the first novel in a mystery series due to be released in June. It's titled "Saving Tuna Street." Her writing has also been published recently in AARP magazine as well as a literary magazine, Close2theBone

Spending time in both Northwest IN and Anna Maria Island, FL, Nancy seems to have found a great balance in life.

Happy Birthday, Nancy. May you have 75 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

Love, Patty

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Happy Birthday, Nicholas!

Dear Hearts,

February 19 is the birthday of Nicholas James Whalen, son of Christian and Moira; brother of Sean, Connor and Morgan; grandson of Helen and John; Great-grandson of Boom Boom and Boompa; cousin, nephew and friend to many others.

Happy Birthday, Nicholas James, and may you have 86 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Happy Birthday, Ella!

Dear Hearts,

February 19th is the 22nd birthday of Ella Marie Sullivan, daughter of Bobby and Nicole; sister of Jeremiah, Thomas and Patrick; granddaughter of Aunt Darlene, niece, cousin and friend to scores more.

Ella has an impressive list of achievements in her 22 years on earth. Besides being a fun, smart and loving daughter and sister, she has excelled in her studies, extracurricular endeavors and faith life. She is a senior at the University of Dallas majoring in Politics with a concentration in International Studies. Last year, Ella worked as a social media specialist for EWTN's Vatican Bureau in Rome. Currently, she holds an internship at UD with the Campus Activities Board as the Musical Entertainment intern.

She is one of our three in our family named Ella, with her Auntie Darlene Ella and her cousin, Jim's Frances Ella.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart, and may you have 103 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

God Bless Aunt Helen

Dear Hearts,

February 18 is the 92nd anniversary of the birth of Helen Louise Catherine Wiley Whalen, wife of John; daughter of Boom and Boompa; sister of Mary Claire; mother of Christian, Teresa, Damian, Lisa and Mercy; Aunt to nine of us; grandmother of eight; and friend to so many.

Helen and Mary Claire grew up Back of the Yards on the Southside of Chicago in the house their grandfather built at 704 W. Halsted. I picture these girls living a childhood not too different from the characters in "Our Gang." Helen and Mary Claire took up Irish Dancing and would dance on the radio as kids! 

Helen valued education greatly and, as an adult, embarked on a journey on which she attended Edgewood College in Madison, WI, and  earned an Associates of Arts degree. She then received a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Loyola University in 1949 and continued on to graduate school at Loyola. At this time she also studied music at Rosary College and The American Conservatory of Music in Chicago.

Helen met John at Loyola University in fall, 1948 and the two were married in June of 1950. They lived in Chicago until 1957 before heading to Kotzebue, Alaska; Stevensville, Montana; Red Lodge, Montana; and settled in Missoula where they lived happily ever after.

Helen was a creative woman in so many areas--cooking, sewing, painting, drawing, etc.. And when challenged later in life with cancer, she was a  courageous fighter in the face of threatening illnesses. Today she rests alongside Uncle John at St. Mary's cemetery in Missoula.

Watch over us, Aunt Helen, and enjoy eternal life with your beloved and family. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday, Ruth!

Dear Hearts,
Grandpa took Ruth to the St Gregory’s
daddy/daughter dance.

February 18 is the 10th birthday of Ruth Teofila Herrington, daughter of Phillip and Ella, sister of Darlene, Joseph, John, James, Anna, Agnes and brand new Rose; the niece and friend to scores of folks.

Ruth means "compassion" in Hebrew, and Teofila is the Spanish name for "friend of God,", after her Auntie Mary, Sister John Mary Sullivan, O. S. F. Our Ruth is a happy and kind young lady and a wonderful sister.

Happy 10th Birthday, sweetheart. May you have 115 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

Love, Patty

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Happy Birthday, Paul!

Dear Hearts,

February 16 is the 47th birthday of Paul Alejandro Sullivan, son of Bob and Darlene, husband of Stephanie, brother of John, Jim, Bobby, Tim, Mike, Mary, Margaret, Ella and Peter; father of Hannah, Jack, Emma, Liam, Callum and Ewan; cousin, uncle and friend to scores of others. He has been called Pablo Diablo in the past.

Professionally, Paul is an impressive force with the training and skills of a lawyer, a salesman, a manager and a corporate director. Today he works as the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Kite Pharma, a company whose mission is to cure cancer. They are lucky to have them on their team.

More importantly, Paul is a wonderful family man. He and his beloved Stephanie are raising strong, intelligent, faithful, hilarious kids in much the same way that Uncle Bob and Aunt Darlene raised theirs. It's clear the God is first and family is the next most important thing in his life.

His ability to live life in shorts is quite impressive.

And Paul's never-ending desire for adventure has created some amazing memories in his family, immediate and extended. He has hiked to the top of Mt. Rainier, and down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. His fishing and hunting has fed many mouths and taught so many others how to do the same. He'll jump into any situation, figure it out and make it better/funner/easier.

So, Happy Birthday, Paul, and may you have 78 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Birthday, Evangeline!

Dear Hearts,

February 15th is the 7th birthday of Evangeline Smoot Sullivan, daughter of Lindsay and Mike, big sister of Violet; granddaughter of John and Nancy; niece of Maggie and Matt; grand niece and little buddy to a bunch more!

According to her Heepa (her grandfather, John), Evan is as sweet as honey, as pure as gold and in love with her Nana (Nancy). She is in first grade this year and loves art, music, reading and cooking. This spring, Evan will take to the diamond, playing T-ball, and has joined the Girl Scouts.

Happy 7th birthday, sweet Evangeline, and may you have 118 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dear Hearts,

Happy St. Valentine's Day to your all. Enjoy a Saint Valentine’s quiz:

This saint was…

a) a priest in the Roman Empire who helped persecuted Christians during the reign of Claudius II, was thrown in jail and later beheaded on February 14.

b) a Catholic bishop of Terni who was beheaded, also during the reign of Claudius II.

c) someone who secretly married couples when marriage was forbidden, or suffered in Africa, or wrote letters to his jailer’s daughter, and was probably beheaded.

d) all, some, or possibly none of the above.

If you guessed d), give yourself a box of chocolates.

Although the mid-February holiday celebrating love and lovers remains wildly popular, the confusion over its origins led the Catholic Church, in 1969, to drop Saint Valentine’s Day from the Roman calendar of official, worldwide Catholic feasts. (Those highly sought-after days are reserved for saints with more clear historical record. After all, the saints are real individuals for us to imitate.) Some parishes, however, observe the feast of Saint Valentine.

Pope Gelasius I was, understandably, less than thrilled with this custom. So he changed the lottery to have both young men and women draw the names of saints whom they would then emulate for the year (a change that no doubt disappointed a few young men). Instead of Lupercus, the patron of the feast became Valentine. For Roman men, the day continued to be an occasion to seek the affections of women, and it became a tradition to give out handwritten messages of admiration that included Valentine’s name.

There was also a conventional belief in Europe during the Middle Ages that birds chose their partners in the middle of February. Thus the day was dedicated to love, and people observed it by writing love letters and sending small gifts to their beloved. Legend has it that Charles, duke of Orleans, sent the first real Valentine card to his wife in 1415, when he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. (He, however, was not beheaded, and died a half-century later of old age.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Birthday, Billy!

Dear Hearts,
Billy is in there somewhere!
Maybe one of you can point him out?

February 13 is the 11th birthday of William Harold Lewis, son of Paul and Margaret Lewis; brother of Mary Ella, PJ Jr., Bobby and Timmy; nephew, cousin and friend to a whole bunch more.

Billy is the spitting image of his mom AND his dad! How can that be? I spent a few hours on the beach with him last summer and saw a mischievous grin and clever glint in his eyes that told me he is smart as a whip and can hold his own amongst the Phoenix Sullys. At the same time, his kindness and humor shone just as bright.

Happy Birthday, William Harold, and may you have 114 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.
Love, Patty

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Dear Hearts,
This picture of the Three Andrews is
over a year old. Imagine Andrew Sullivan
about eight inches taller
and several pounds heavier!

February 13 is the 15th birthday of Andrew William Sullivan, son of Tim and Maureen; brother of Brynn; cousin of dozens, nephew and friend to so many!

Andrew is growing into a fine, intelligent young man who is cruising through his school lessons. He has the natural gift of athleticism paired with a very humble heart--which I'm confident makes girls swoon. Tim and he have taken quite well to life on the West Coast--although I wish they both had a bit more fear of the Great Pacific! Their first month in California the two learned first-hand about rip tides and undertows.

Jim recalls fondly of the time he asked Andrew how he (Andrew) was going to be able to do something he aspired to, that sounded nearly impossible. Andrew said, "I'll ask God." His faith is strong, indeed.

Happy Birthday, Andrew, and may you have 110 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm

Love, Patty

Happy Birthday Willis!

Dear Hearts,

February 13th is the 32nd birthday of Willis Sullivan Patrick Kimbel, son of Anne Sullivan Daly and Curt Kimbel, stepson of Malachy Daly; brother of Claire; nephew, cousin and friends to many, many more.

Willis is a superb natural athlete with impressive skills in so many sports--soccer, boxing, surfing, etc. Since 2015, he has been skateboarding professionally with several major companies sponsoring him. Check out his IMDB profile and you'll find Willis has been part of a few TV shows (King of the Road & Flying Wild Alaska), as well as a documentary short film (Permission) about skateboarding. He's become a bit of an ambassador of that sport and even has a line of skateboards and accessories named after him. Check it out on Amazon!

He and Jenni have moved up to Portland but travel is still a major part of Willis' life. They recently spent time in an amazing hi-tech hut in Lapland (Jenni's home), taking in the Aurora Borealis from the comfort of a warm bed in a glass hut!

His other loves include his dog, Piper, as well as scallops and lobster. This link leads to a short video showcasing Willis' skateboarding talents.

Happy birthday, Willis, and may you have 93 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

God Bless Susan

Dear Hearts,

February 12th is the 106th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Jane Flint White, mother of Whitey; wife of Colonel Red, daughter of Justin and Sophia Flint. According to Whitey, somewhere along the line she acquired the nickname Susan--so altered her name unofficially--to Elizabeth Jane (Susan) Flint.

From Whitey:

Mom and my sister were evacuated from the Philippines in late 1940. Dad just made it out ahead of war on 5 Sep 1941 only to return to the Pacific a year later in Sep 1942. He fought there with the 129th and 148th Infantry Regiments in Fiji, New Georgia, Vella LaVella, Bougainville and the Philippines until wounded at Irisan near Baguio on 17 April 1945. Dad returned to the States through a series of hospitals and was not well enough to retire until Mar 1947 from Walter Reed Hospital in DC having joined the CIA the previous year.

So Mom had a pretty exciting start to married life moving to Texas, then the Philippines, before returning home without her husband of just three years with a one-year-old daughter to wait for Dad's return first from the Philippines, and then from 3 years of war, followed by two years of recuperation from injuries serious enough to warrant 100% disability.

I arrived in 1947 and my brother followed in 1949, much to the chagrin of our older and very spoiled big sister. But Mom ran a great family and we all loved her a great deal. Our four kids called her Oma Sue; my sister's kids called her Sweetie - which stuck. Mom died 3 April 1999 from congestive heart failure after a bout with dementia in Vero Beach, FL surrounded by her kids and grandkids. She was buried at West Point where Dad joined her 7 years later. Together they rest in peace under the gravestone Jim helped design.

Dad's Memoirs are dedicated to his wife of 61+ years. The inscription reads, "I'd like to dedicate this book to my wife, Sue. Much of what I talk about would never have been possible without her love and support. She died peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, 3 April 1999. I know she has gone straight to heaven."

Thanks for including her in those you honor as family and in our prayers.


God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty & Jim

Monday, February 10, 2020

God Bless Aunt Anna Rita

Dear Hearts,

February 11th is the 97th anniversary of the birth of Anna Rita Sullivan, Order of Preachers, daughter of Lefty and Anna; sister to Jim, Bob and Margaret, Aunt to 19 of us and our spouses, friend to so many. Aunt Anna Rita was a Dominican nun, servant of the poor, epitome of motherhood to literally thousands of little ones, encourager of immigrants, forgiver of fools, one who loved, always and everywhere. 

She was born in Chicago and died in Phoenix on August 18, 2006, in the 62nd year of her Religious Profession, surrounded by much of her family. She is buried in the Adrian Dominican Sisters Cemetery alongside Aunt Margaret.

I have such fond memories of the Aunties coming to visit us in Munster. They would drive up in their yellow Plymouth Dart and come up the front walkway with their habits flowing in the breeze. It amazed me how they confounded my dad, Big Sully, by serving refugees in El Salvador who were trying to re-establish life in a new and strange place in the early 1980s. They lived and worked in danger and it drove dad crazy not to be able to protect them. 

Aunt Anna Rita, along with Aunt Margaret, served the Catholic community in Danville, Arkansas, working for ten years to build St. Andrew Catholic Church there. She educated me in nutrition when I had gestational diabetes in the 1990s, and counseled me through genetic testing when I was diagnosed with breast cancer the first time in 2004. She was so smart and so caring.

You all know the story of her "meeting the train" when Big Sully came home to Union Station in Chicago, after the fourth telegram saying he would arrive. The first three, over a three year period, all stated that he had been shot down (which he had) and that he was believed to be dead. So no one believed the fourth one.

Except Anna Rita. She met the train. And the 200 pound athlete, now seriously wounded, weighing 130 pounds, jammed down real hard with what we now know was post-traumatic stress, got off the train, hollow-eyed, alone. And there was his sister, willing to have her heart broken again on the chance that he would be there. He (and she) never forgot that, and held it like the precious bond it is, between them forever more.
Happy Birthday in heaven, Auntie. Thanks for your goodness, your example, your kindness and tolerance, and advice, and your endless love.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

From Jim:
She wrote me, some 27 years ago, urging me to ask the Army to consider finding out what a gecko has on its feet to allow it to walk up window panes. Then she stated that she thought we should be able to use ultra-lubricity polymer (She has Master's degrees in chemistry and nutrition) to spray on the battlefield so the enemy will slip down, and we could have the gecko substance on our troops' boots so they would not slip. This way, we could overpower them without having to kill them, in certain small, isolated, tactically appropriate settings. Today, the U.S. Army has developed both of these things.

Whitey felt he must make a clean breast of things and confessed to her that while he was Chief of Staff of Fort Benning, the Army's Infantry home, he arrested Bishop Romero and all the protesters who were demonstrating against us teaching the Central and South Americans warfare at the School of the Americas at Benning.

Whitey, and his general, fed, sheltered and protected these prisoners, and treated them with due process, but Whitey knew the Aunties were on the side of the protesters, illegal immigrants, poor people, underprivileged and everybody else who suffers, so he confessed and, I think, was willing to take the judgment.

Well, of course, none was forthcoming.

I think Anna Rita said, "Would you like some lunch, Whitey?" She loved Whitey very much--he also loved her and spent a lot of time out at Adrian, fixing her and her buddies' computer systems.

Whitey and I visited her at Adrian every couple of months for the last six years of her life, and everybody came through when Aunt Margaret was dying, to go up and see them- we had some great trips together. I think Tim saved my Catholicism on one of those trips.

The Aunties provided the catalyst for many things during those last years.

That first night when Margaret was beginning to die, I rushed blindly into Detroit in the middle of the night, upset and broken-hearted. I didn't know exactly what to do, so I called Whitey, and he got up out of the rack and came to the airport and drove us 60 miles to the Mother House, and we sat up that first night, with the family.

That was the start of a beautiful friendship between Whitey and Auntie Nan, and she bonded to him as only she could do. They had a specially close and warm relationship, and she considered Whitey one of her Irish-Basque-Polish-Lebanese-Spanish-Welsh-Scottish nephews.

He insisted on carrying her on his internet account for years, and rode steady herd on her and the other nuns' cyber capability, keeping them going in all weathers. He was deeply affected by her, still talks about her and quotes her as an exemplar of principled behavior, often.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Dear Hearts,

February 7th is the 19th birthday of Hannah Grace Sullivan, daughter of Paul and Stephanie; sister of Jack, Emma, Liam, Callum and Ewan; cousin, niece, friend and teammate to a ton of others.

As the oldest of six, Hannah has grown to be an amazing young woman who is kind, faithful, intelligent, funny, strong, humble  and healthy. These characteristics are evident in the stories of her young life to date. In just the past few years, Hannah has hiked to the Flatiron Summit of the Superstition Mountains in AZ (6.5 miles with an elevation gain 2,781 feet) in preparation for a successful summit of Mt. Rainier (Washington's 14,411 foot peak) with her dad!

Last summer, three of her younger brothers loved that she was their swim coach. Then she flew the nest and started her college career (along with her cousin, Jake) at Benedictine College in Kansas. In her first semester, Hannah joined the women's rugby club team and made the Dean's List with a GPA of 3.5-3.999. In her first semester! Talent, hard work and goodness all wrapped up in one young woman.

Happy Birthday, Hannah, and may you have 106 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm

Love, Patty
Hannah is in the middle, holding the ball.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Welcome Rose Marie!

Dear Hearts,

Today, February 5, 2020, we welcome to the world Rose Marie Herrington, daughter of Ella & Phillip; sister of Darlene, Joseph, John, Ruth, James, Anna and Agnes; cousin and niece of a whole bunch of us.
Another beautiful blessing! Rose, who weighed 8 lb., 2 oz., and Ella are both doing very well.

Welcome to the world sweet girl, and may you have 125 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Happy Birthday, Ewan!

Dear Hearts,

February 5th is the 8th birthday of Ewan Paul Sullivan, son of Stephanie and Paul: brother of Hannah, Jack, Emma, Liam and Callum; nephew, cousin and friend to scores of others.

He's a natural athlete, recently tackling snow-covered mountains on skiis for the first time, playing soccer, swimming and more. He's one of a dozen or so Sullivans attending St. Gregory Catholic School and holds his own as the youngest of six.

Happy Birthday, Ewan. and may you have 117 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Monday, February 3, 2020

God Bless Romualda & Alfred

Dear Hearts,

My apologies for being a day late with this, but it's kinda nice to have these two share the same greeting:

February 2 is the 188th anniversary of the birth of Romualda Gorczynska Wilkoszewska, Boompa's grandmother, who was born in Konin, Poland, the daughter of Major Anthony Gorczynski, a Polish officer in Napoleon's army. She and her husband, Edward Zygmunt Wilkoszewski, had many children, some records say 22! Romualda died in Chicago on July 8, 1898. 

February 3 is the 154th anniversary of the birth of Romualda's son, Alfred Wlodzimierz Wilkoszewski, Boompa's father. Alfred was called Snaz and lived his whole life in Chicago.

Jim actually knew him and offers these sweet memories:

"It was my job to wake him up with a little bell and walk with him to the dinner table. He would hold my hand and talk a sort of fake language to me, and his white hair stuck straight up in a point like the roof of a cottage.

His wife, Wanda Zinn was the daughter of Josef Zinn and Antonina Grabska. She died in the flu epidemic of 1918. Boompa kissed her goodbye that morning, went to school and when he came home, she was dead and quickly buried in the epidemic graves in the Polish Catholic cemetery on the North Side. He never saw her again, but just before he left us, he sat straight up, opened his arms and said, "Mama, Mama." Then lay down, sighed and slipped peacefully into his mother's arms and the arms of God.

When Wanda died in 1918, Al was left to raise 7 kids. He was multi-talented, played the piano like a maniac, was a bank clerk and a prodigious drinker, and loved to brawl. His 6 sons and 1 daughter all turned out wonderfully, though. He invented a fart machine that he would sit on and embarrass Mary Claire and Helen when their boyfriends came calling. I saw one--it was ingenious, but he never got it patented. Worked excellently. True story."
Please watch over us, beloved ancestors. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.
Love, Patty & Jim

Sunday, February 2, 2020

God bless Jeremiah

Dear Hearts,

February 2nd is the 169th birthday of our ancient patriarch, Jeremiah Patrick O'Sullivan. He is one of our ancestors who made the trip across the Atlantic from Ireland.

To follow is Jim's beautiful story:

Jeremiah was born during a famine year in 1851, the youngest son of ten, to Timothy and Mary Barry. 

In Ireland, people were dropping dead in the fields and the English were evicting them and picking them off. Some British soldiers abused a member of the family. Jeremiah snuck up on the English rent collector and killed him with a hardened cabbage stalk. He then fled to Cobh, down outside of Cork city and then took ship to Nova Scotia, on the run. He went inland for a few years, chased by the authorities, eventually came across at Sault Ste Marie on a raft- an illegal entrant- to the Upper Peninsula and down to Chicago, met Anna Meany from Clare and had six children, four daughters, Margaret, Eileen, Mary and Anna, and two sons, James Patrick and John Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was about 5' 9" tall and broad as a barn, though thin in his youth, stocky later. He lost his leg several years before he died in 1930. He had it buried with military honors, honestly, as a member of the old version Old IRA, the Fenians, in the Irish cemetery on the South Side, Mt. Olivet. The plot document reads, "Section 1, Jeremiah P. Sullivan; section 2, 'leg of.' "

If you ever wanted to make Mary Fran scream laughing, you just had to sidle up to her and say, "Leg Of."

Our cousin, Father Jim McKittrick, sent me some documents that had Jeremiah's name as Jeremiah B. O'Sullivan, but the "O" had never been substantiated as far as I can tell, until two summers when I found Timothy’s grave in Mahoonagh parish, Limerick, and saw that it was “O’Sullivan.”.

Jeremiah got us here, and he lived 79 years and did it pretty hard. Here's to Jeremiah Barry O’Sullivan, born in Mahoonagh parish, townland of Cooley Gorman, County Limerick, Eire, on 2 February, 1851, and died in Chicago of complications due to the amputation of his second leg on 6 November, 1930.

They say he was wild when he drank, that he was mean and rough. But he got us here, and he stuck up for his family. And he's my great-grandfather.

Rest in Peace, Jeremiah. Thank you for bringing us to America. God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Jim & Patty

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Dear Hearts,

February 1st is the 16th birthday of Peter Michael Sullivan, son of Seamus the Younger and Erin; brother of John, Annie, Kathleen, Thomas, Maggie, Joe, Brigid, Seamus and Patrick; nephew, cousin and friend to dozens of others.
Peter is the third oldest boy of the ten Omaha Sullys and the second tallest to date (I predict he'll take the lead in the next year!) He has the gorgeous Irish complexion and I'm sure he's oblivious to the crushes many girls hold for him. 

Happy Birthday Peter, and may you have 109 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty