Thursday, February 27, 2020

Happy Birthday, Tim!

Dear Hearts,

February 28th is the 46th birthday of Timothy Aristotle Sullivan, son of Bob and Darlene, brother of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Mike, Pete, and Sister John Mary, and Margaret and Ella; husband of Maureen; father of Gabriella, Brynn and Andrew; uncle, cousin and friend of scores more.

Tim and Maureen moved the family to Huntington Beach, California, a few years ago and those of us in So. Cal. are so glad to have them nearby. Tim is getting to know the state well as a regional manager in the Hospitals division at Merck.

Tim is probably the best dancer in the family as well as a phenomenal natural athlete. Last summer at his nephew John's wedding reception, Tim (looking an awful lot like Pitbull!) led a few dozen nieces and nephews on the dance floor. He is named after Jeremiah's father, Big Tim Sullivan of Mahoonagh Parish, County Limerick, reputed to be the strongest man in Ireland before the famine, around 1845.

Tim will try just about anything physical and usually succeed. He'll also wolf down a mountain of sweet treats when you're not looking, so hide the Skittles! I've watched him make instant friends on the beach with six-year-old children, and relate to octogenarians with terrific love and respect, no matter their lot in life. He serves as a wonderful example of compassion and kindness and we are lucky to call him our own. 

As Jim has said, there is something so deeply, soundly, fundamentally good about Tim, that his goodness and the innocence of his heart shine straight out, and influence everyone around him. He has had his moments, like all of us, but there is a reservoir of strength and peace in him, like his brave father, that lifts and carries the family, time and again.

Happy birthday, Tim, and may you have 79 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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