Wednesday, February 26, 2020

God Bless John Jeremiah!

Dear Hearts,

February 27, 1980 is John Jeremiah's last day. He was 11 years old when he was hit by a car in Phoenix.

On that day, Aunt Darlene and Uncle Bob gathered enough courage for the entire family, miraculously. The man who accidentally struck John never really got over it, and wept in the embrace of Bob and Darlene for many years afterward.

The siblings were struck with a wound of fierce pain. The cousins have tasted it, too. One year, Bob dreamed that his first-born son John was playing on a swing-set. Bob said, "When are you coming home?" John said, "Dad, I am home."

John, who would have been 51, is buried with Uncle Bob and Booma/Mom.

There are 13 John's in the family, 4 of them John Jeremiah's: John Jeremiah I was Lefty; John Jeremiah Jr. was Lefty's son, who only lived a few months; John Jeremiah II was Bob and Darlene's son, who lived 11 years. There is another John Jeremiah, and he starts the numbers over--he is the first, and maybe someday he will be Senior, and he is Pete's and Melody's son.

The other nine John's are John Joseph Whalen, patriarch of the Whalen; John William Sheehan, Boom Boom's father; Big Sully and Mary Claire's son, John Vincent Sullivan; Big Ange and Patty's son John Sullivan Bornhop; Pete and Melody's son, John Naime Herrington; Seamus the Younger and Erin's son, John Robert Sullivan; Mike and Joan's son, John Paul Sullivan; John Davis; and Dr. John Ullmen. We've got a full complement of Johns!

So, please look after us John Jeremiah, with Lefty and Booma/Mom, the Aunties and your Dad Uncle Bob, Big Sully, Mary Claire, Mary Fran, Boom Boom and Boompa, and The Ancestors.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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