Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Birthday, Abigail!

Dear Hearts,

April 7th is the birthday of Abigail Astrid White Moon, wife of Rob Moon; daughter of Whitey and Signe; sister of Dagne, Mike and Kermit; and Jim's beloved god-daughter. Jim has known Abi since she was a few days old, held her at her baptism, and he says she has been the same always--as beautiful and gentle as an angel, and as good smart and kind and strong as her parents.

The Rev. Abigail W. Moon is the Associate Rector for Christian Education and Outreach at St. John's Episcopal Church in Tallahassee. Recently she was appointed as a mentor and chaplain for the planning team of EYE in Florida (Episcopal Youth Events). I suppose those events have all been postponed for now, but I'm sure Abi and her team will create wonderful experiences for our youth when it's safe to gather.

Abigail's studies and experiences to this point are diverse and fascinating. Before graduating from South School of Theology in Tennessee, she was a youth minister, a teacher, and a volunteer in the Peace Corps, which took her to Guinea, West Africa. She has also taken pilgrimages to Greece, Italy and the Holy Land. 

As so many people are doing these days, the Rev. Abi is learning how to work remotely. In fact, she invites you to join her online! Anyone can join from their computer--check out upcoming online offerings at saint-john.org/churchathome.

Happy Birthday, Abigail, and may you have 80 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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