Thursday, April 2, 2020

Family Support

Dear Hearts,
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

As I create our birthday greetings these days, I continue to add phrases like, "with the spread of Covid-19," or "while in quarantine." I'm sure we agree, these are strange and scary times.

Off the top of my head, I've come up with the following Dear Hearts to whom we owe gratitude and support for their current work on the front lines. Please share with me the names of people we can add to this list:

  • Mickey Sullivan-continues his work as an emergency orthopaedic surgeon (quarantined)
  • Franny Sullivan-continues her work as a registered nurse
  • Daniel Glick-continues his work as a firefighter/paramedic (quarantined)
  • Jim Sullivan-continues his work at U Nebraska Med Center as an anesthesiologist and critical care doc specializing in biocontainment
  • Teresa Whalen Francis-continues her work as a psychiatric nurse
  • Anne Sullivan Daly-has been alerted that she may be called up for clinical care

We've had a whole bunch of others who've had significant events cancelled--graduations, sports seasons, travel, etc. Others have had to reinvent themselves and their jobs as they work from home. And while I don't have any specifics on this, I'm sure we have Dear Hearts who will feel the financial impact of this pandemic. Let's pray, hope and love each other through this.

Most of all, though, we must stay healthy and safe. Stay home, wash hands, wear masks, eat healthy, keep moving, stay in touch with others in the safest manner possible, and ask for help when you need support.

I'm not sure about the effectiveness of this blog as a place to exchange comments as there have been so few that I've seen published. Please feel free to give it a shot for all of our enjoyment.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm. Imagine how many times Nanny said that prayer during the Spanish Flu epidemic and the Scarlet Fever outbreak of the early 20th century! Thanks for that prayer, Nanny, we need it now more than ever.

I love you all,

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