Sunday, August 23, 2020

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Dear Hearts,

August 24th is the birthday of Emma Jill Sullivan: daughter of Paul and Stephanie; sister of Hannah, Jack, Liam, Callum and Ewan Sullivan; granddaughter of Darlene; cousin, niece and friend to many more.

Emma has completed her first year of high school at St. Mary's, albeit it a Covid-19 finish, and has the right personality for staying home for school. Some may think it's just the boys in the family who come up with crazy hair or wacky challenges, but Emma is right there in the mix with them. She is brave, strong, beautiful, smart and very creative.

Happy birthday, Emma, and may you have 109 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

Love, Patty

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