Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Dear Hearts,

August 5th is the birthday of Michael Joseph Anthony Sullivan: husband of Joan Shepson Sullivan, who made up Joannie's Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008; father of John and Katie; grandfather of Charlie, Mickey, Caroline, Grace and June; son of Big Sully and Mary Claire; brother of Jim, Mary Fran, John, Matt, Anne, Jerry, Margy and Patty; cousin, uncle and friend of everybody else. Mom always said Mike was her birthday present, as he arrived just a day after her birthday.

These days Mike is enjoying his recent retirement--spending precious time with grandkids, creating a gorgeous garden and yard with Joan, and traveling (pre-Covid) with brothers to Civil War battlegrounds and the Finger Lakes among other activities. He's listening to Barry White, Bill Withers, watching Three Stooges whenever possible and always has the Beatles sound nearby. And his Covid-19 hair is looking very cool.

Mike continues to bless us with his talents, including singing, making children laugh, making adults laugh and whistling--serious, false-vibratto whistling.

Happy Birthday, Mike and may you have 58 more healthy ones, by your wife's Law. God bless us and keep us and save us from harm.


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