Sunday, August 9, 2020

Happy Birthday, Gus!

Dear Hearts,

August 8th is the birthday of Augustus S. Lee, known as Gus. Gus is Jim's--and now our--beloved friend. Gus's wife Diane is his soulmate and Gus speaks unabashedly of his passion and admiration for her. They write books together, love their children (an Army captain now a civilian; a nurse, who brings fresh water to poverty-stricken regions of Africa; a son who served as a paratrooper), and their grandchildren.

While Jim has offered a wealth of stories of his personal friendship with Gus over past several decades, we can further appreciate the talents and goodness of this man by visiting his website at You can also see a few videos of Gus' presentations on Youtube and find further information on Wikipedia.

I have not yet met Gus in person, but hope to do so one day. Through electronic communication/media, however, I have come to know him as a wonderful person who is incredibly humble, considerate and loving, while serving our world as a courageous and righteous leader. I'm guessing the phrase "gentle giant" has been attached to his name at some time.

Happy birthday, Gus, and may you have 49 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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