Monday, February 1, 2021

God Bless Romualda

Dear Hearts,

February 2nd is the 189th anniversary of the birth of Romualda Gorczynska Wilkoszewska, Boompa's grandmother, who was born in Konin, Poland.

She was the daughter of Major Anthony Gorczynski, a Polish officer in Napoleon's army. She and her husband, Edward Zygmunt Wilkoszewski, had many children, some records say 22! Romualda died in Chicago on July 8, 1898 and is buried at the Polish Cemetery at Norwood Park there.

(On a personal note: I would love to see one of our younger generation bring back the name Zygmunt!)

God bless you, Romualda. We pray you are enjoying blissful eternity with our ancestors.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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