Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Happy Birthday, Caroline!

Dear Hearts,

July 21st is the birthday of Caroline Olivia Huffman: daughter of Ryan and Kate; sister of Grace and June; granddaughter of Mike and Joan and Mike and Susan; niece, cousin and friend to lots more people. She goes by many nicknames--Caro, Liney, Sweet Caroline, etc.

Caroline has completed first grade and this summer has become a terrific little swimmer. She, along with her sisters, enjoys swim lessons, afternoon visits to the Mt. Baldy Lodge pool, and long days on the beach frolicking in the surf.

And as big sisters go, she is one of the best, guiding Grace and June through many fun games and dance routines. When spending time with Caroline, everyone in our family is strongly reminded of Katie O. as a child!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Caroline, and may you have 118 more healthy ones, by your grandma's own Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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