Monday, November 29, 2021

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

Dear Hearts,

November 30th is the birthday of Andrew William Bornhop, Jr.: son of Patty and Andy; brother of John and Thomas; nephew, cousin and friend to many.

Andrew continues working and living in the North Park neighborhood of San Diego, not far from his cousin Georgia! He is very glad to return to his in-person work as an Executive Customer Representative for Merck. (Can you tell he recently gave me his business card?) His office is his car as he visits clinics throughout the county. On some days, when his work takes him closer to the border, he gets text notifications welcoming him to Mexico!

He's been playing more of his classical guitar these days and is learning so much of this style of music. He and Thomas play music together quite a bit lately. He's still a serious Packers fan and has become accustomed to the jabs and loaded comments thrown around by Matt and Jerry. Andrew is a loving, intelligent and loyal man with one of the best senses of humor I've ever known.

So, on this Feast of St. Andrew, happy birthday, Little A, and may you have 98 more healthy ones, by Aunt Joannie Sullivan's Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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