Sunday, November 21, 2021

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Dear Hearts,

November 20th is the birthday of Katherine Honore Merwin: daughter of Mary Fran and Gary; mother of Ava and Henry; sister of Joe, Luke and Maggie; wife of Will Babbington; step mom to Emma and Mia; niece, cousin and friend to many more folks.

Kate continues to nurture, entertain, enjoy and work for her beautiful family in Minneapolis. Covid has made things very challenging with Will being in Colorado primarily, but you'd never know it. We see continued togetherness, support, love and goofiness among Kate, Will and all the kids. Indeed, they share a beautiful life, always arranging time for each other, and keeping their children as top priority.

At work, Kate is a Principal of Internal Global Communications at Medtronic, working in corporate communications in the health and wellness sector. Ahh, wellness. Are you familiar with the Danish phrase, "hygge?" It is the creation of a warm, cozy atmosphere with all things and people who are good and dear. Well, Kate has just about perfected the practice with her beautiful, comfortable and welcoming home. The apple really doesn't fall from the tree.😉

Happy Birthday, my Kate, and may you have 81 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.


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